
Beats by Dr Dre solo in of but is a stric

Leaf any asks.
"The news has already let out through an airtight line, she has no reason not to know where you are until the pure Ling doesn't want to seek you."The strict ice says.
"What airtight line?"Leaf any asks.
"Be we at Shu each organization finds job for of hand, or we buy to come over in the middle of these organizations of some informants."The strict ice explains.
"That is what is the row!Is stupid lacking innovation like this next go to and is not a matter either!"Leaf's any worry anxiously uneasy.
The door Tu rings, leaf any arouse to work properly, isn't to have a meal time now, leaf Ping is greatly also vigilance, but the strict ice is to have no reaction, seemed to don't feel generally.Turning the eye door has been already opened and come in of but is a strict mother.
"How, leaf any, leaf Ping, live still be used to?"The strict mother is full of smiles, be like come to the relatives of fleeing the door.
Any leaf Ping of leaf also has to keep the smiling face company, but the strict ice didn't respond and turned over a body way:"Talk a small voice point, and sleeping!"
The strict mother greatly treads to come over and stretches hand the collar of clenching the strict ice and seem to throw one regiment garbage similar make him throwing the part with.Clapping to sit on the sofa is last:"The pure Ling has been hasing no action!"
Leaf any simultaneously wipe cold sweat part way:"Yes and yes!"
"Young girl's pouring is to contain anger!"Strict motherhood.
"It is professional."Ye Ping says.
"The person says of young girl not is say you."Leaf any.
"I know that pure Ling, that is also professional."Ye Ping says.
The strict mother nods:"Say BE, not deal with!Leaf Ping, what viewpoint do you have?"
"The pure Ling wants to hold tight a leaf any.Nothing but be for the sake of Xu Jia of that what password, reveal be for getting hold of money.But say towards falsely working properly organization coming, wanting money this isn't the only path.Felt before this guy is just a hair head boy to tidy up very easily, so become nervous the favour lived ground to deal with him, discover this boy and still have and so order background now, it was very troublesome to deal with, consequently will give up also perhaps.Falsely work properly the origin is most heavy benefits, losing money in business business in no case will do.Deal with every of leaf through a budget detection the project for losing more than gain, hence give up this plan is also pretty normal."Leaf Ping way.
"Say reasonablely."The strict mother nods, " leaf any, what viewpoint do you have?"
"?"Leaf any has never thoughts a strict mother to incredibly also inquire about himself/herself, oneself has already become accustomed to this kind of time drive to neglect, suddenly be started to ask, temporarily don't know what speak of, much less he basic nothing important viewpoint, falter along while.Suddenly get a brainwave way:"Can't the meeting leak out news?The falsely working properly them aren't someones to beat into you internal?"
"Can't, we once thoughted of this as well, so this activity know of the persons are few, all absolutely dependable."The strict mother says.
"I knew!"The strict ice that climbed over to come suddenly shouts loudly from the ground:"Must be that we guard against too strict, they basically have no opportunity to start, so have been being waiting for opportunity!"
Leaf's any eyes are also a bright:"Is reasonable!The manufacturing orders empty be come out!Go strict ice, have a little brain."
The strict ice is satisfied, but strict mother and leaf pings is to see an empress.Respectively gave a deep sigh 1.
"How?"Leaf any doesn't understand.
"Does two of you's head have a problem?If the other party can discover that guarding against is strict.Doesn't that equal the plan of knowing the this place?Just once said absolute credibility of hand, the nonentity leaked out information of possibility."Ye Ping says.
"Went to go, two of you ate well and drank well and wash to sleep!"Strict mother dynasty 2 people wave hand and finish saying to turn to come over dynasty leaf Ping way:"See so, pure Ling were they to really give up to deal with a leaf any?"
Ye Ping says:"Also not definitely.Have no quasi- is they realized in this decoration of some different, so don't act rashly."
Two women at one side the Di whisper Gu.Leaf any and the strict ice completely expeled in the outside.
"Walk to walk, we go out to turn."The strict ice pulls a leaf any,beats by dre studio, 2 people door.
"Is true to what stuff!"Strict ice all the way regrets.
Leaf any nods to attach and.
"What job do you serve as in the blood-red color evening now?"The strict ice asks.
"Pair senior clerk ……E, may be temporary."Leaf any says.
Strict ice eyes stare biggest:"Pair senior clerk!Have so a position.No wonder that you would not like to join us national Shu, changed me I also not."
Leaf any modestly smiled to smile.
"Can you when be a senior clerk?"The strict ice asks.
The "this ……" strict ice asked a momentary to also remind a leaf any, crow severely wounded is difficult more now, perhaps next will die, once his this senior clerk hang, is be not oneself should this pair did senior clerk's crest lack?BE fantasizing, suddenly realize mistake oneself however is a crow back to make out ground to conceal a role in ground, before the crow fails to seize blood-red color evening political power, afraid is forever top not set noodles!
"You are when being a senior clerk, adjust me to be for you a pair senior clerk?"The strict ice says.
"You play trick of?"Leaf any frighteneds.
"You see, I am again a national Shu, go into blood-red color evening again, be two-sided spy like this, cool not cool?"The strict ice says.
Leaf's any Leng Leng:"Is cool, too cool."
Leaf any pell-mell swayed to sway head, it was to nod or shake head to let people can not tell, on the mouth but have already been transfering a topic, hoped to just once walk beside from two Human bodies, enter three humalities of the building way:"Those three guys go to dry what?"
The strict ice turns head to hope to watch from a distance:"I how can anyone know, I am again incognizant."
"Is not your person?"Leaf any is strange.
"Not and yes!"
"Is a Shu!"Leaf any.
"How didn't I discover!"The strict ice is to frightened.
Leaf any didn't answer this question, but strict ice oneself soon realized answer, immediately way:"Pure Ling did they come?"
"Probably BE!"Leaf any says.
"I hear ……are they to grasp your ground?"The strict ice hopes a leaf any.
"I see this matter!A little bit hang ……"leaf any says.

Volume 3 chapter 340 leaf Ping be captured
Renew time:2008-10-70:51:44 chapter word numbers:3198

Leaf any and the strict ice turn round towards seeing five, suddenly, leaf any just was going to make track for, strict ice sudden way:"Are they to grasp yours, but just seemed to be with us to wipe a shoulder but lead?"
Leaf any nod.
"Catch you but incognizant you, this is what kind of intelligence quotient!"The strict ice sighs.
Leaf any wants to pour is also, this in this world can really is minority with the intelligence quotient of strict ice shoulder to shoulder.Immediately stay right away and make track for to go to an and see actually of impulse, Nao Nao head way:"What are that these 3 people a stem?"
"I ask!"The strict ice uncovers collar of dress, " feeds, that who!"
The collar of dress obviously hides a pocketsized converse machine, and for the sake of easy to conceal, combining to hear function's high technology at the integral whole.Hence the ear of strict ice in don't hide to have any device.The strict ice after calling two sends out a response from his neckband, if isn't leaf's any complete concentration energy to listen, also true not easy hear.
"What matter?"There ask.
"The one who come in three Shus, what is the row?Ascend does the increasing of side aid?"The strict ice asks.
"What?The one who have Shu invades!Each unit, one class war preparedness, there is invader, one class war preparedness!"The collar of dress son Rang way.
The strict ice facial expression is difficult to see, while"feed"ing again there asked a sentence:"What directions does the invader arrive?"
"Have already entered a building way."The strict ice answers.Turn an eye the role change with each other, strict ice already the one who degenerate to°from the inquisitor to report.
"Have already approached a target, have already approached a target, with all strength alert!Be on guard!"The collar of dress son inside has been seethed into one.
"Letting you saying is medium, this matter really a little bit hangs."The strict ice says.
Leaf any is very vacant, these 3 people can have no a matter similar once walked so strictly alert, real strenght not speech but Related articles:

