
Beats By Dr Dre Studio eavy ride the soldie

Spread inside the soldier battlefield, this let the Pa is second in Chu the keeping of spirit knowing this matter Hou jump feet, however turn to read and replied a town to calm down.
Because when he suddenly thoughts of that in those early years the eastern pure assassin sneaked in emperorses all is like also current circumstance, these assassins at most only cause disturbance of, truely result in the breakage of Shi Mo's being impossible, so only took out to adjust 3,000 troopses to return to garrison food and armory, went to other places of Wus to indulge these assassin freedom, because Pa Chu inside second early even if the good rebellious troops wins just these two days of business, so need not scatter limited hand to deal with them.
"Princess' his highness" is in the thin Nice front line at this time and rebind to ride a soldier of will get over against over the Yan Ning joss-stick report way.
"The matter of Shi Mo?"
"Princess' his highness, our taking the food coming over has been already run out, does princess' his highness have a plan?"
"Use up?"Through will get once this Mo remind, over joss-stick of Yan Ning just thoughts of to only take for two days this time, the food of comes over, although it is said the horse can depend the weed of neighborhood to support for one more several days, but say towards riding the soldiers coming and want to carry on the back the helmet that that Mo weighs on the body, relatively the physical strength consumes also greatly, so once lack a food, that war capability is definitely to greatly give discount.
Thought of here, the over Yan Ning joss-stick glint ground hands over to need a way:"That sends a person to arrive concealed month city first to lend some food back like, see to short time, we are to can not leave here"
"Princess' his highness, I think that this has a little it's difficult" words just finished saying, weighing to ride a soldier would get to immediately after say right away:"In fact belonged to last night under have already sent the person lent a food, however saving of concealed month city food early drive rebellious troops to take, if not that the manikins divide an out of personal food, the concealed month city early broke a food"
"That do you have the Shi Mo the suggestion?"Over joss-stick of Yan Ning counter-questions a way.
"Only three roads can choose now" at this time weighs to ride a soldier will get early have already prepared ground to answer a way:"Is to take to launch a camisado tonight first, because belonged to once observe for these two days, here of the rebellious troops has never thrown stone machine and heavy Nu a type of heavy weapons at, what they rely on is a steep soil ascent to still have hard defences and top not arrive 10,000 shooters constitute of fire net, if we dismount hard rush, probably pretty much suffer a los.
Don't know and waste because of wanting to wear to still need to weigh riding of last three centseses soldier's A to cross that soil ascent than the generally heavy A soldier how much physical strength and exposition at these shooter how long at present of time, even if led a first pass, of the Hou constitute to°from several wodden posts of the wood wall only depend our hand up of ride gun and lance can not also break at all, have while doing not even make reference to how much person can hurtle to the wood before the wall still unknown ……"
"What about that second road?"Finish the joss-stick of Yan Ning to interrupt conversation to ask at this time.
"That is to turn to return to thin city front line in Nice, although our horses may have already canned not continue to develop a war capability by that time,our horses' riding the soldiers physical strength don't influence how much, and little be like here similar have so many defences at, as long as and originally 15,000 allied troopses over there together offend, I think victory or defeat will at 55 of, go to the Wu Article 3 is the city that sends back to show off a day to restart, however belong to under don't suggest this road of walking"
The Hou that finish listenning to heavy to ride the suggestion that the soldier will get, over joss-stick of Yan Ning looking at the rebellious troops battlefield of distance not to combine silent a burst of, however the Hou towards him to ask a way:"If you are a rebellious troops to get, you will hope we how does the Mo do?"
"This ……" suddenly drive once this Mo ask and weigh to ride a soldier will leading was for a while, however the Hou openings returns to way:"I think that they will hope that we choose third road, however this is just hope, if I am a rebellious troops to get, I will guess to walk the second road, because this is the reasonable also is to hurt minimum road most , by so doing, we can also get allied troops' support in everyone's noodles, if consume to make a day of it to wait until horsepower instauration Hou, that heavy ride a soldier and then can reply absolute fighting strength, by that time while having no heavy weapons and defences, definitely have to the utmost advantage ……"
"You will think like this, these rebellious troops can't?"Words haven't finished saying, over joss-stick of Yan Ning is the words that stretch out to interrupt him first to is alongside of to say:"These rebellious troopses will get isn't that the Mo that we think is simple, now not we, even is other at all point to seem to be all drive the file is outside the battlefield, is also say, strategy we are lousy they on raising, even China eldest brother is no exception.
Before they intentionally do one this noodles nobody defend of the appearance fool us to come over, connect the concealed month city that we may get a replenishment to lack a food is also in their projects, make us have to choose exit, at present I think to connect the direction that we turn into also in their controls, so we get surprising recruit to just go"
"Is surprising to recruit?"At this time weigh to ride a soldier will get to use to sound out tone to finish towarding the joss-stick of Yan Ning to ask:"Princess' his highness can't want to walk the first road?"
"That's right, I am this meaning" at this time finishes the joss-stick of Yan Ning is to order first, nowise conceal ground to say:"I am to want to walk the first road, because only just have opportunity to break like this this logjam, otherwise we have no the opportunity that turn over the body forever!"
Hear over Yan Ning joss-stick once this Mo say, weighing to ride a soldier will get is not the viewpoint that doesn't understand her either, however once start strong offend and then have no way out, because death and harm will hard estimate, and the opportunity of failure rather big,Beats By Dr Dre Studio, let he have to to over the Yan Ning joss-stick confirmation way:"Princess' his highness, if so hard rush but go for broke!Fail and then is doing not also turn the leeway of Yuan, asked his highness to think thrice"
"Ha ha ha~~you trust, hard rush to also have the method to is hard to rush, the of course not wants you so hard up, if such, even if 30,000 people also not enough dead, you say BE?"Finish the joss-stick of Yan Ning to smile to answer a way at this time, can listen to from her tone have ready plans to meet a situation, but heavy ride a soldier will get still an appearance for canning not find the proper approach.
See this situation, over joss-stick of Yan Ning then recruit to want him close to order and explain the project that she thinks to him to listen to, this just let heavy ride a soldier will get to have suddenly realize of felling, at that moment to over the joss-stick of Yan Ning went a military salute, however the Hou turns round to leave to left for an arrangement aggression affair.
"Last horse!"When the moon 昇 rises, around ten thousand heavy ride the soldier acts to with one accord turn over Ma Bing of body to start into thin Nice city while finishing fragrant one of Yan Ning and making of square make headway, see this situation, the rebellious troops being responsible for defending hurriedly notifies Pa Chu in second and the Hou is square 4,000 prepare a brigade, this news, make them able to early prepare and come forward a support.
However is could not leaving time in quarter, the clop originally gradually and far going becomes clear again and the vibration spreading from the ground is also more and more multifarious, this let the rebellious troops of concealed month city front line will get not from ground wrinkly for a while eyebrows.
Chapter 7(two
He goes toward first at the moment many ride the direction that the soldier leaves to hope to go, indeed as expected detection heavy ride a soldier have already adjusted to turn a direction, make a record horse to once kill come over with gun to.
"The whole army is on guard!"The rebellious troops will get to go toward right away at this time heavy ride the soldier's direction 1 and toward all shooters order way:"Come forward to meet challenge to battle!"
It are long to want to know these rebellious troopses through the soldier of battlefield, a password just descend, all shooters take seat right away and take aim at heavy ride the direction that the soldier rushes, only a get into artillery range can inflict a heavy losses on these not afraid dead of rebinding and riding soldier, give they met head on pain shot.
If the originally over Yan Ning joss-stick heart knows to want from face to face hard rush, only slope that pass lead not, but experience of the several years horseback tells her, if ride a horse to want can accelerate up the slope hard from the side road up, fruit not it however, under the gravity acceleration, around ten thousand of heavy ride a soldier immediately hurtle last slope.
However just just arrive half, get into the artillery range of rebellious troops inside, at this time the Xiu Xiu breaking of Xiu empty voice not unique Wu ear, at that moment have the arrows in many people and fall a horse, but under arrows rain of the rebellious troops, weigh and ride a soldier and dismount in succession and lie prone on the soil ascent Hou the square avoid arrows, but under the body of horse can have no that Mo lucky, although these war horse all the body is negative heavy A, always still have the place that many overlays don't arrive, at ten arrows rain lead Hou, the rebellious troops just stopped an attack to a little bit rest while having no half horse and standing any further on the whole slope whole, prepare and wait until these dismount of ride a soldier and come out head to begin, start an attack once again.
"Is blunt!" In this blank on schedule, a female voice laceration quite, at have no lunar of night can be concealed Related articles:

