
Beats By Dr Dre Studio he jade Nu is to wan

The world chapter 330 flowing water has intention to
Li Qing An rushes through to return to ground leaf in the end of January, ground leaf due to bordering on hot sea its weather always has to be slightly warm than the another place, the ground leaf has already had one silk warm at this time, the accumulated snow eliminates to melt, the weeping willow delivers green, the breeze right against the face blowing isn't so chilly either, has already implied the breathing of one silk spring.
Li Qing An returns to make his home as observing a festival, the whole your home descends pleased spirit ocean ocean, even he the mansion doorway also pinned up a rightness of deep red lanterns, the sky just was bright, several expert persons then in the Ran fierce bamboo in doorway, make he the desolate feeling of home New Year drive a swept but got empty.
Inside the bedroom, the Li Qing An husband and wife were waked up with a start by a burst of firecracker voice, the bright moon is like newly married pretty wife and tightly nestles at the husband nearby, a night last night, the conjugal love makes her looks still take one silk beauties of spring, she the ground of Jiao Yong raise head and see a husband positive as if deep in thought the ground stare at roof, she then twisted to twist body and acted in pettish a way:"Forbid you to think public affairs on the bed!"
Li Qing An smiled to smile, the hand lightly dauted clean and delicate back of wife and circle smooth plump jade hip, soft-voiced way:"Ascend me to keep you company again tonight, we are still like last night so......"
His words didn't finish saying, the mouth was then by hand blocked up by the bright moon, bright moon awkward and shy way:"No saying the matter last night!"
"Good!Don't say, don't say!"
Li Qing An Zheng drags along her hand and ambiguously says with smile:"That we said tonight's business!"
"Tonight ascend you have to go along with to dance dress or such as poem they, also didn't know that they how to resent me last night, ah!Who make you marry four Niang sons."
Make reference to this, the bright moon suddenly thinks of one matter and then says with smile:"Dance dress to give me to her younger sister the jade Nu seek a good family, can jade Nu but silently tell me, she would like to stay in the mansion, what opinion do you have?"
"Her meaning BE, would like to is the Wei body in me?"The face of Li Qing An up of smile an idea to hide not to live ground to overflow lou to come out.
"Be indeed as expected sounded out by me!"
Bright moon smile don't smile ground to hope him, suddenly a stretch hand malicious clenched his ear, the way of Jiao Chen:"Is having us four women still not enough?You say!How many women do you exactly want?"
Li Qing An not from secretly complain of hard lot, his this wife is tolerant in front of outsider, can still keep being that the vinegar altar son is a , and has calculations on the bed, he fell into trap.
"The Niang son loosens a hand first and listens to me explaining."
"You explain make me satisfied, I loosen a hand again."
Li Qing An is helpless, have to in the brain to search various of borrowing, he finally uses a kind of sympathetic towardly tone way:"Jade Nu since the childhood depended on each other for life with dance dress, feeling together sister, I was to cant not bear to chase them separate, you also knew, the jade Nu got married and had the husband the kid, time is getting longer, she with dance dress of relation also will be slowly thin, after all isn't a close sister, I worried one day their meeting on the road will turn a blind eye ground to wipe a body to once walk, again say, the jade Nu perhaps had been being liked to me, in the heart not I didn't marry, if you was hard to make her marry other people, didn't make her sad a lifetime?"
The bright moon starts having some touched, the hand also slowly loosenned, the audibility arrived afterwards, in her heart not from again annoy again funny, again a while knead tight his ear, smile to scold a way:"You think beautifully, who think to be not you don't marry!"
In fact the bright moon in the mind is also understand, the jade Nu is to want to marry Li Qing An, this is also very normal, she at last dances going with bride of dress servant girl, generally speaking, go with bride servant girl all at last is heel male host, again say the young high status of Li Qing An, grow again very good, is not that kind of either the sons of Wan Mao, at the beginning at Chang-an not know to lead come how many small Niangs be addicted to, more importance is that he all doubly loves deeply to own women, there is completely no general man then sees not appropriate person of Qie, she also sees come out, jade Nu really to Li Qing An have a little meaning, however, oneself is a housewife, she has to have her own principle, she will never can indulge Li Qing An on this kind of affair, otherwise Li Qing An follows one's inclinations, at outside seek several ten a keep women, all day long at after be the house jealous, intrigue against each other and let how she take care of?More the importance is regularly Li Qing An to fight in the outside, once being unfrequented they, uncertain will appear dirty of matter, Ru Li Qing An's family tradition, so, jade Nu this matter she will never can easily make Li Qing An succeed.
"This matter I am just end in talk, the jade Nu is the younger sister who dances dress, her marriage should from dance dress decision, you not wanted entertain foolish ideas."
The bright moon then no longer lifts this matter, she changed a topic to say with smile:"New Year should the fiesta do obeisance first Zu, you aren't at home again, have to I take to dance dress them for you do obeisance a fiesta for a while first Zu it works properly, but you are still that oneself should do obeisance a fiesta for a while, we go to jade Buddhist temple today, you see how?"
Li Qing An listens to the wife did obeisance a fiesta for he or she Zu first, not from move in the heart, then hug she is in the bosom and heavily kissed her powder lips for a while way:"I want to negotiate with Byzantium emissary and also have an arrangement for two days behind clearly today and wait me favour for these two days over, our family burn incense and pray, good?"
The bright moon is kissed by him the feeling fan's idea is disorderly, she sticks a face on his chest chest, soft-voiced way:"Conveniently go to a view sound again the hospital beg son, my biggest wish is to living a son for you, and the Niang also writes a letter to me, hope I can be pregnant earlier and marry so long, always have no pregnancy, meeting drive other people's joke of."
Have no children is also Li Qing An's an important event, he he's in the mind also has a number, he and such as poem such as painting and dance the dress is all so long, they didn't also be pregnant, problem affirmation is on oneself, should not view sound hospital, but should go for a doctor just right.
At this time, unauthorized biography in the door comes to the maid's voice:"The master outside has a guest to come to visit, connecting Fan to make the Pei make a gentleman."
"I knew that invited him to go to me outside den waiting."
Li Qing An says with smile:"Must get up, that guy so early came right away, I wanted more and slept all in a short while not to go."
The bright moon hurriedly started to wear clothes, she Long beginning hair purse one's lips a say with smile:"The Pei makes the gentleman also incompletely come to see yours."
"What!"Li Qing An is foolish for a while, is this what mean?
Bright moon but don't wish to say more, pressed his way:"Is quick go to!Don't mistake proper business."
She a little bit tidies up for a while and then goes out to arrange washing of Li Qing An Shu to go to, Li Qing has peace of mind medium perplexity, is the Pei Yu returned to seek who?
Base-court inside, the Pei Yu sits upright at Li Qing An outside to wait for in the den and drinks tea, but some state of minds not and rather, at this time, he suddenly sees a Qian copy before window one Shan, in his heart exultation, hurriedly slip away out, found out a little lotus under an old apricot in the yard, see or so no man, the Pei Yu drum foot courage pulled the hand of little lotus, "little lotus, I want to say a matter for you."
Little lotus face a red, frighten hurriedly to jilt open he, again to or so took a look, this just soft-voiced way:"Do not make people see, you say!What matter?"
"My grandfather writes a letter to me and hopes that I can return Chang-an, his body is less and less good."
On sinking, little lotus heart's a long time, she just small track:"That did you ignore me?"
"Have no, I want to take to walk together."
"But....I am afraid that the eldest brother prohibits!"
"Who say that your eldest brother prohibits?"
Side and suddenly spread Li Qing An's laughter, frightenned two people be like a rabbit, hurriedly separate, sees Li Qing An appear at the door, just wearing a smile hope their 2 people, originally what wife said is this meaning, the Pei Yu unexpectedly fancied little lotus, see the little lotus also have a cordiality to him, this is the good matter!
Li Qing An then has been attending to not and up her after recognized a female little lotus of Gu to be younger sister Yi and put her in the turtle quite a few year, think she slowly grew up, also unmanned concern her, Li Qing has peace of mind in also very guilty, then let the bright moon pass by a turtle bring back a ground leaf of little lotus, and then make her keep in mind a good family for little lotus, have never thought a little lotus to incredibly decree by destiny with Pei Yu.
Pei Yu this young man is very good, a Pei wide of Di eldest grandson, Be from eminent family, but have no a roll call sons in the door of proud of spirit, again diligent, go abroad as ambassador big food and Byzantium, the Pei Yu is 23 years old this year, the little lotus is 19 years old, age also very the sort go together with, if the little lotus can marry him, is also her luck, Li Qing An very satisfied, and Pei Yu and oneself's wife's bright moon still have some kindred, the Pei Yu cans marry a little lotus, is to some extent that canning also strengthen the relation between oneself and Pei house, good matter!
Pei Yu and little lotus are bumped Li Qing An to bump to break, all disgrace to get red in the face in two publics, the little lotus shouts a way:"Eldest brother, I...I!"
'I' along while, a words also can not say it, she is abashed on stamping foot, turn round and then ran, Li Qing An hopes her figure, ha ha cachinnation, "this bond maid!"
The face bulge of Pei Yu gets red, he hurriedly comes forward to salute, "pay respects to a great commander soldier!"
Li Qing An orders, "sit in house!"
2 people walked into den, the Pei Yu suddenly knelt down, "great commander soldier, I want to marry the little lotus as wife, the entreaty great commander soldier helps!"
Li Qing An Pie his one eye, way:"The man knee bottom contains gold, in addition to parents first Zu, others you can not kneel and include me!"
"BE!"The Pei Yu stood, the ground of Nie Ru said:"The little lotus says that you are her eldest brother, must you agree to just go and let me come to beg you."
Li Qing An smiled to smile to ask a way:"That you tell me first, you are how....H'm, that of?"
The Pei Yu is red face way:"I went to a turtle last year, knew a little lotus, also taught her how to write poem, the emissary of the Byzantium came to visit this time, my aming responsible for a reception is making, while she is responsible for accompanying a Byzantium princess, we often have contact, first, two go, then....."
"So that's why!"
Li Qing An smiles to order, indeed as expected is a predestination, he wanted to think the way is again:"Just I listen to you say, seeming you has to return Chang-an, is this what is the row?"
The Pei Yu sees Li Qing An seem to didn't idea of opposing, dark pleased in his heart, hurriedly way:"My grandfather has already written a letter for many times and hopes that I can return to imperial government to work, he says that I am an eldest grandson, in the outside already five years, should go home clan, otherwise too long in outside time, to I in the future connect Zhang household some disadvantages."
Li Qing An also thinks of, when he married last year Pei breadth once said for him as well and hoped that the eldest grandson could return to city, Pei Yu heel oneself five years was to should make him return to city, thoughted of this, Li Qing An's short cut:"So!I can make you return to city this year, but this finishes negotiating with Byzantium, I estimate you still have to go a gentleman private Tan D fortress, go abroad as ambassador Byzantium for me, this period, I make the madam and Pei house contact and certainly descend you and the wedding of little lotus, after waiting you to go abroad as ambassador back, you then marry, then hold wife to return with little lotus Chang-an, and you return Chang-an work, is adjusted by Anne's west to return to, can't let you again from the first."
The Pei Yu sees the consideration of Li Qing An thoughtful, not from move in the heart, then deeply Shi Yi Li's way:"The many thanks makes gentleman help."
"Like, please sit down!"
Li Qing An puts a hand way:"Private affairs finishes talking, should say public affairs, I want to understand the circumstance of this Byzantium emissary."
Empire Tang and Byzantium empire don't have benefits conflict, and both parties have a common enemy, so both parties become the possibility of strategic allies biggest, but this just just 1 kind probably, two the countries have never led association for several a hundred years, how may immediately become strategic allies, this needs a process, a process that understands mutually, more importance is Li Qing An can not represent big empire Tang, he only just a various Hou in place, this Lee celebrates to have peace of mind medium also very understand, just the other party it happened that parties comes out an extremely orthodox tradition ultra conservative emissary, if he expresses too anxious, on the contrary will things go contrary to one's wishes, struggled several years of Li Qing An on the power field deep An so naturally this, deal with making of west minister, sometimes might as well beat a dozen of Taichi, certainly, the tang dynasty person maybe not knows what Taichi is, but his Li Qing An knows.
And Pei Yu finish talking, Li Qing An didn't go to honored guest's building and see Byzantium emissary, but went to a honored guest building flank of face guest house, there live more than 100 from Chang-an come to ground leaf to join the army of private's son.
Facing the guest house is that the one covers vast buildings and constitutes to°from several ten courtyards and several hundred houses, there is specialized officials' management, eat to use degrees is all free, a lot of from Chang-an supported the officials of Anne's west and Imperial Academy too student all live here, last year, be Cen three modern poetries after spreading to Chang-an had more than 100s too student red-blooded infuriation, resolutely join the army, came to Anne's west to join the army to report a country, they long and difficult journey, finally by more than 10 days arrived a ground leaf, was subjected to ground leaf's officials' ovation, will they temporarily arrange is facing guest house to live, and then let they help do some clerk's businesses, wait Li Qing An to come back to decide their directions.
These private the sons the concentration live in a few courtyards, yard inside quietness of, private's the sonses are busily making copy Anne west the non-commissioned officer soldier's military register, this is that they work at the time, none text money repay, but they was full of intense emotion and gusto, there is no complaint.
"Is each,Beats By Dr Dre Studio!The great commander soldier came."
The officials who face guest house loudly notify private's the sonses, private's the sonses flowed out out in succession, a piece was full of a youthful face, they excitedly surround Li Qing An, conflicting views, quarrel loudly into one regiment, they would like to join the army to battle with big food soldier.
All of these are the young man that the Zhuo has ability and learning, age all at about 20 years old, the red-blooded surge was full of ideal and ambition, their growths will is a precious wealth to Li Qing An, and Li Qing An has already decided to put these bookmen to military advance brigade to whet to do and lets them becomes their their owns pillar beams in the future.
"Everyone trust, Anne west the soldier is a kao then can drag along clever but the troops of , there is no blackness, don't go bad, regardless Be from high or low, regardless house rich or poor, you are all similar and equal in the troops, you win someone probably will become general, have of person probably can be a soldier, but decide to become a general or a soldier of standard only have a , that is your just can, develop your just can, since tomorrow, you will become Anne west one member of the soldier, circle your dream."
Li Qing An's impromptu lecture is won one applause, he puts a hand, lets everyone pipes down and says with smile:"Everyone pleases line up a good troops, give me the report for a while native place and name, let me remember you."
This is Li Qing An to resist the next means, these more than 100 persons report, probably a to him all record not to live, but for register but speech, in the heart many penny hope, .
For head a tall fellow first way:"At under Du Ming Pei, city trillion mansion Gao Ling Xuan person."
"At under 50,000, mansion person of Chengdu."
"At under Li Cheng fly, Chang-an person."
"At under Chen Shao visit, grandfather, Chen Yan, , once term Anne west the pair all protected, the building of Chong Xuan attends school now, the wish is a great commander soldier effect."
Li Qing An sees him 45 years old and grow handsome, see give vent to anger one degree is extraordinary, Li Qing An then ordered to nod, didn't say more what, vision again hurl get down one person, underneath one person come forward an one step to introduce myself a way:"In the next ambition and, Chang-an person, learned to graduate too much last year, originally taught my Wei of left gold to record matter three militaries, but I wished to join the army for Western Regions, didn't wish into toward keeping a gold I."
'Zhang Zhi and?'Li Qing An feels this name a little bit the ear be been familiar, seemed where once listen to, slightly on deliberating, he then and suddenly think of, is Li Bi's nephew, Li Bi once recommended to him and said the some time is rare BE, the artistic talent is horizontal to overflow, and this piece ambition and, that'west fill before the mountain egret to fly, peach blossom flowing water the mandarin perch is fatty'is not his your work?
Li Qing An cautiously conjecturesed his one eye, this person is young private's son of a have delicate features, seem to be very intelligent and capable, Li Qing An smiles to order and has no because he is Li Bi to introduce then special treat, isn't a true gold or any iron, all make the advanced troops, this big furnace toughen.
His vision again hurl to next, next skin black thick private the son Gong body way:"At under the Luo text living, Chang-an person, poor if wash, the parents both die, the wish is a great commander soldier effect!"
Where face guest house and private the sons confabulation at Li Qing of, have already waited about a Byzantium emissaries of months of Li Qing An to invite Se to get news, he not from a bit startled, which heavy which light, open Byzantium empire still not equal to these young bookmans?Li Qing An unexpectedly sees them, but doesn't come to visit oneself.
The Byzantium emissary lives in honored guest's building and leaves to face guest house one street to only separate, and Li Qing An faces guest house to by all means want after their front doors, invite Se heart in very upset, see to have peace of mind at Li Qing in, the Byzantium isn't very important, invite Se but forget, the year before last year Li Qing An sent Pei Yu to go abroad as ambassador Byzantium, the Byzantium emperor was also similar to disappear, Pei Yu fully at gentleman private Tan D fortress live half year, just unwillingly saw Byzantium emperor.
Invite the Se come to go abroad as ambassador Anne this time west, mainly for the sake of establishment trade contacts, gentleman private Tan D five a life times for of the Byzantium and Anne west establishment the strategic allies don't have too great interest, after all Li Qing An isn't a tang dynasty emperor, can not represent dynasty Tang, say keep leading 1:00, is Li Qing An didn't°yet this qualifications, as for the military cooperation pours at 1:00 possibility, but gentleman private Tan D five a life times need to touch the inside situation of Anne's west, but the affair that touches inside situation not from invite Se to do, but is loved Lun Ni by his baby daughter to be responsible for.
At invite Se rather the feeling is upset of, his niece loved Lun Ni but enragedly sought Li Qing An.
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