
Beats By Dr Dre Studio master hurriedly co

Why so to us?"
Her voice immediately aroused the attention of others, everyone stopped a words head and turned eyes to see toward them, the female flies bear He Mei Zhan enter more to back over there be not, absolutely all have a little to ashamedly feel.
The jade pure master originally chewed the fat with Huang Xuan Ji to ask the circumstance in nowadays and smelt speech hurriedly smile to interrupt conversation a way:"How was this ?Just met and then fight, the department Tu was even, your one man can not let a point the teacher sisters?"
Sung Chang Gung saw the female whom the eye embarrassedly stand over there fly bear He Mei, he sighed tone to say:"You return to, I don't give you for the sake of how are you, I can not have any something to gather of handing over with you."
His words on the contrary aroused everyone's attention, week light cloud curiously asked a way:"Taking charge of Tu is even, you are to seek to lend to also want to seek one good lend, what for the sake of somebody else good, can not have been already handed over to gather?"
Is to pretend to sigh tone again, Sung Chang Gung packs into a puckery track:"I and their teacher, the south Yue Heng the female fairy gold of the mountain maternal grandmother Luo the purple smoke contain the enemy that kill the mother and necessarily have the war of a life and death sooner or later."
See the eye have a little stunned of the female fly bear He Mei, he asks a way:"If I fly sword for you today, you are subjected to my favor, some future day I with make teacher hostile, how you are from the place?"
The others are very all shocked, wear Heng jade the common run of people like this is also surprise, they are in mind basic to is all viewpoint now'originally, the fairy also has the river the lake, there is also gratitude and grudge.'
Jade pure master Leng ask a way all of a sudden:"Taking charge of Tu is even, you are to listen to who say?This how may,Beats By Dr Dre Studio?You will not be cheated, here noodles whether have what misunderstanding?"
Sung Chang Gung of so want to pick out this affair, be have to do so because he wants to play even this role of good department Tu now, otherwise is a meeting be looked down upon by those persons who know to take charge of even life experience of Tu, even be suspicious.
The another cause idea gave a deep sigh tone to say:"The nobody fools me, this says in the letter written in blood that my father leaves of, make track for cloud Sou white Yi elder generation in the valley to also know, you don't believe to ask gold maternal grandmother Luo purple smoke I good."
"How can and so?You, this how can say, can not dissolve?"The female flies bear He Mei anxiously say, although just see a side in a little while, she has already had quite good good will to Sung Chang Gung.
Hear he because and own teacher's having enemy just don't fly sword for oneself, the in the mind unexpectedly has a little ground in Noan-noan, so also more anxious, she doesn't want to have enemy hatred to produce with Sung Chang Gung.
Saw an eye everyone, Sung Chang Gung packed into deep in sorrow appearance to say:"Is original I am first to should not discuss the person's right and wrong, however my generation practices moral teachings of person, the nature is open and aboveboard, matter all can to the human speech."

One chapter 78 grey hair Long Nyu
(Chapter 1 just came back from the hospital, immediately renewal, thanked everyone to like, didn't recommend on this week, I thought the remaining friends all immediately after read of, so each whether order of collect recommend what, let me also have writing power, the brothers did Yi here.)
See everyone in earnest listen to, he continues to say:"This affair's being spoken of is my father of be not, the my grandfather encountered in those early years mutinous soldiers, the whole family exerted dead, only a small servant girl embraced my father's break out of in the Qiang Bao.
Afterwards several through whet difficult, after several times tossing around, that small servant girl and my fathers are all made track for cloud Sou white valley Yi the husband and wife accept for the pupil and taught the skill of whole body, and run about river's lake together.
Don't know because of why river lake gratitude and grudge, my mother killed that servant girl, my father but and my mother double the double felt attracted, they made track for cloud Sou after combining white valley Yi husband and wife my father bum out teacher door, my father mother live as recluse.
Is several 10-year after, the friend of that servant girl, gold maternal grandmother Luo the purple smoke seek and killed my mother, the bottom of my father's severely wounded takes Qiang Bao in of I escaped out, in the article of death ex- write down letter written in blood to me, the affair was after all saying.
Although the my father mother has an incorrect place,am I person's son, had no skill not to say, had skill but don't report the parents' enemy, also have facial expression to sign between the world?"
Momentary everyone had no language, this affair was really a gratitude and grudge to entwine, hard to say who is who feel attracted the personal enemy don't become husband and wife, one is to revenge for friend, one is to revenge for parents, and the other people hard to say what.
Good short while jade pure masters all feel dilemma, she and gold maternal grandmother Luo the friendship of the purple smoke is also quite good, she knows to take charge of Tu even real strenght, in Ci cloud temple can with lend magic weapon and luck the green tunic for cutting self-discipline for several a hundred years old Zu.
Self-discipline however a hundred years gold maternal grandmother Luo how can the purple smoke be his opponent again?But want to advise a solution but also hard start, she the momentary unexpectedly and a little bit worried, don't know how to do.
The facial expression that looking at everyone, Sung Chang Gung has a little funny, his facial expression unfolds bottom, unconsciously read absolute being to expand to go out for a while, suddenly one Leng, fiercely stood.
Is still astonished the time at everyone, he towards dime in hospital to call a way:"What person?Is secretive, come out for me!"The side shouts, once the side clap sword box, the little sun sword becomes a three meterses much long of rainbow flew to go out.
That rainbow just flew to the hospital Cape drive one regiment one person's many tall clouds of many colorses to hold up, Sung Chang Gung manipulates little sun sword hover around dance in the wind, without intermission attackstoned this regiment clouds of many colors, but how all offend not go in.
Momentary rainbow hovers around, the clouds of many colors is long, let to fly in the void Feng and wear a Xiang English these common run of people see dumbstruckly and also long for to the sword fairy at the same time, the in the mind devotes to become a sword fairy.
The attack doesn't enter and lets Sung Chang Gung keep knitting the brows, the defense of this clouds of many colors seems oneself together body up of'satisfied brocade cloud dress'very elephant, and the function is more, this makes him think of a person.
Temporarily love to excel heart to rise, he three swords together, sees three rainbow diseases soon dance in the wind to hover around, that regiment clouds of many colors obviously and a little bit supported not to live, after all'three sun one spirit sword'now already top-class fly sword.
Although compare'purple Ying sword'and'green Suo sword'thus of what sword bad is just a spirit to carry, 'purple Ying sword'with'green Suo sword'BE kill to rob of sword, the sword kills to start to rob, 'three sun one spirit sword'BE ratio not of.
Saw a short while jade the pure master think of this is what person, hurriedly shout a way:"2 stops, is all oneself's person, don't beat again, in case harmed compatibly."
Sung Chang Gung early wants to accept a hand, so complied with the surrounding to take back'three sun one spirit sword', three rainbow dance in the wind to hover around and nearby rounded at him several round, 'Sou Sou Sou'together and together returned to sheath in.
That regiment clouds of many colors also immediately disappears, a hand holds a walking stick, and the middle age of the full head silver hair beautiful Fu stands over there, saw everyone's one eye and said with a smile:"Don't misunderstand, the old body is a Cui is five Gus, person calls grey hair Long Nyu, coming and seeing just."
The jade pure master hurriedly comes forward to salute to say:"BE Cui way friend, poverty Ni the jade Be pure to be getting more polite, don't know to is you, so would make moves, ask a friend to understand 12."
Grey hair Long Nyu Cui's five Gus say with smile:"Ha ha, BE'the pretty woman of Mo Qie'jade pure master, the old body is really lucky, this little elder brother flies sword quite good, I wife's son almost arrived to can not hold up against."
Sung Chang Gung arch hand salutes a way:"At under green city parties'enjoy a true person very much'next department Tu in the door is even, at the moment that at such a 2 fight, the enemy's friend momentary didn't peg out Chu and had already asked elder generation to forgive."
"Oh, you are the department Tu that cuts old Zu of green tunic in Ci cloud temple sword even, no wonder that such get, the old body by chance rises to read, see two persons for fighting, don't want to meet you the superior like this is really lucky."
Grey hair Long Nyu Cui's five Gus stand in the hospital and beaming with smilesly say, her in the mind is to admire very much, one is a flying of the other party the sword is too good, one is the swordsmanship of the other party also very good.
Just if isn't the Mo Qie pretty woman jade the pure master call to stop, oneself will another other magic weapons, so she feels the other party is can with she even even sit of person.
Looking at her, once Sung Chang Gung in the mind move and smile to ask a way:"Do not know that the husband of five Gus canned once come together, I had a thing here, probably we can in exchange for for a while how?"
Grey hair Long Nyu Cui five Gu one Leng say:"His arriving is to come, however go to that Related articles:

