
beats by dre uk pectedly in the arti

Chapter 888 summer Hou is still
From the east clearly to leave the road of fox in fact and don't calculate far, can because this west Qin Jun's purpose is a sneak attack east county, so wanting the o heart of xi ǎ all the way is careful, until the third day, just arrived to leave fox city.However even if is such, west Qin Jun attack the process of leaving the fox city is carry on very smoothly!
Combat keeps on not to arrive a hour, inside the city also only near more than 300ses guard a soldier and lead in Guo Huai etc. of 10,000 the wests completely didn't resist under Qin Jun's attack of ability!However these guard a soldier is to still resist throughout, wait until after fighting be over, unexpectedly have no one to guard non-commissioned officer soldier to surrender!
Looking at city head dead body with everywhere top, allowing full all of 2 people of instrument and Dian is not from must sigh tone, allow an instrument to shake head to say:"Unexpectedly the this xi ǎ oxi ǎ o leaves fox city, will have so a to pay a fierce soldier!If the number that guards a soldier is again much some, let's perhaps also have no to so easily offend to break this city!"
The Dian is full to also is to nod approval, however is wrinkly eyebrows to say:"Speak of so, my pouring is to feel some oddness, previous that eastern clear city also has 2,000 remaining to guard a soldier, why does this leave fox city but is it only so little person's horse that guard now?See this scale that leaves fox city, unlike eastern clear city xi ǎ o how much?Two city defenses defend so many how can bad?"
"This ……" Xu Yi the momentary is also an answer not up, can be a Song to shrug shoulders, be not say very for certain:"May because this leave the fox city closes to east county of cause, the enemy don't thought of we will someone attackstone to leave fox city, so would such."
The Dian is full to want to think, also can not figure out other explanations, can be take Xu Yi's explanation as Be getting more quasi-.And this time, be responsible for the Hao Zhao that sweeps battlefield is also rushed through to come over, saw Hao Zhao peaceful similar, be dressed in whole body battle armor, pour to lift a long gun in the hand, just on the arm but be wrapped 1 turn by the plain white cloth, up still print some blood Zis, obviously hanged colourful!See the Hao Zhao coming over and allowing an instrument but being the arm of Zhao that cannot helps but smiled, pointing at Hao to say:"Hao general!Your arm is all right!"
Allow an instrument this words take mischievous, obviously is making fun Hao Zhao, and Hao Zhao is also not from get an old face a red, just was offending the time of city, Hao Zhao's hurtling is most before killing an enemy, after cutting down one to guard non-commissioned officer soldier, but is don't thought of that soldier unexpectedly in the article of death anti- rush toward.Although don't suffer from too heavy wound, can on quilt of arm a xi ǎ o soldier give n ò the ng harmed, let the face of Hao Zhao up have some to can not pass, so for making fun of Xu Yi, the Hao Zhao just ignores and says:"Leave!Bo Ji Xiong's meaning, today sky s è already late, we stay to lead here for a night, tomorrow again set out!"
Leaving the fox city is already the o boundary of ji ā that is located in to help the n county of y ī and east county, from leave fox city to set out, want ~only again two day, can arrive to east county city!Have already arrived this situation, on the contrary can not become nervous too much, the beard knows that the y ù soon then doesn't reach, so Guo Huai lets the battalion leave fox now to take a rest to wait tomorrow to set out again to continue to go up north for a night.
Decide to this, allow the full nature of instrument and Dian has no opinion and just a little arranges for a while and woulded be have already arranged good abode with Hao Zhao before a piece of path keep rushing through into, certainly this didn't also forget to continue to make fun Hao Zhao all the way.Also left on the city head the guard of 23100 people certainly probably, this, Xu Yi is as full as Dian but is don't the least bit relax.
However, at allow an instrument 3 people just from the city head bottom go to of a moment, a had a liking for to seem honestly station defended on the city head of bushy beard west Qin Jun's officers and men, canthus silently Piao to the Xu Yi San people's figure, together cold light from his eyes a Shan namely have no.This time, another part again is walk come one famous general private, see that bushy beard, signing the horse is to shout a way:"Feed!Which the o brigade of xi ǎ are you ?How to run to me to come here?"
That bushy beard not from get one Leng, however soon would be an answer way:"I am nearby general of, having a little the important business has to seek Hao general!Hao general not is come to city head?"Say, the bushy beard is still or so to look about for a while, seemed to be really is looking for the movements of Hao Zhao.
Listen to bushy beard so on saying, that famous general private signs a horse be say:"You what look in the eyes!Don't see Hao general be not just and general, Dian general bottom go to?Re!You see, just left the city m é n!You make track for to go to quickly!"Say, the that officers and men not so bad heart points a direction inside the city for bushy beard.
Bushy beard's signing a horse is the consternation of the full face, surprised shout:"Oh!Do they when descend to go to?How did I just don't see?If this mistake general's important business that is in a mess!Brothers!Thank!"Finish saying, the bushy beard lightly clapped the shoulder of clapping that officers and men and turned around be go toward to run inside the city.That officers and men's pouring don't say what, just shook to shake head, woulding be to continue the last tour was at the city head.
But that bushy beard after leaving a city head, but don't be like he says of seek Hao Zhao so, but extremely and well-experienced inly turn around in the city, soon be arrived at one to have a liking for the very common people reside the n of m é.Is or so to took a look surroundings, because west Qin Jun just went into the city of relation, the common people in the city all hiding in the home don't dare to come out, so d à ngd à in street sky ng of, even a personal shadow could not see.That bushy beard takes this opportunity and sign a horse to would be to stretch hand reside at the people of big m é there is rhythm ground on the n knock several bottom, very quick, that big m é n would was to open one xi ǎ the o cut crevice, that bushy beard signs a horse be cleverly drilled into, descended a moment, the big m é n woulded be tightly close, seem never and once opened generally.
Reside at the people inside, and the outside one empty d à ng circumstance is different, the people resides inside unexpectedly is stand full black dress person, all of a s are the o hospital corners of xi ǎ that guards in big n seamy side of m é, see bushy beard come in of that for an instant, all black dress persons' visions are to have eyes fixed on a bushy beard!Until that bushy beard picks the helmet, peep out own original appearance after, those black dress person this just moved to open his/her own vision.
The bushy beard pours is don't think idea, would was path to go straight into the only a set of rooms inside the o hospital of xi ǎ towards opening n black dress person of m é to order to nod for oneself, .Entering inside the set of rooms, but being standing several mans who wear military officer battle armor is rounding a map to point out, if the person to acquaint with to leave fox city beside sees, will discover, this is exactly a detailed map that leaves fox city!
The bushy beard comes forward an one step, towarding those military officers is to embrace a boxing to drink a way:"General!The o person of xi ǎ came back!"
There is a man among those military officers, visiting fortune-teller the looks should be about 40 years old, the outlooking is also very handsome, but is that one face is resolute and firm.The words that hear a bushy beard, he raised head to see one eye bushy beard and woulded be to nod to say:"H'm!Get up!Can fish for this time what useful intelligence report?"
"Report back general!"That bushy beard is just station to start, but still keep keeping to embrace the posture that the boxing salutes, lower the head to drink a way:"Find out according to the o person of xi ǎ , west Qin Jun all respectively arranged 23100 people in the on all sides city m é ns, the troops and horseses of surplus all concentration in the city in the city guard a mansion surroundings!Still have, west Qin Jun of will get have been already decided, take a rest in the city for a night today, the tomorrow starts on journey again to continue to go up north!"
"Good!"Listen to after, the answer of bushy beard's that eyes repeatedly the flash across j ī ng even peeped out one on the face only silk pleased s è, the shot Zhang drinks a way:"Everything all such as the plan do!Zhang Nan's general their sacrifice didn't waste!Tonight we act according to the plan!Want to let those this time west Qin Jun turn over greatly heel head!"
"Oh oh!"Listen to the words of military officer, the surroundings is public to all can not control feelings 1 ground to roar low.All of their these peoples is truely leave fox city of guard soldier officers and men!Is in fact whole leave fox city of garrisoning and guarding the soldier totally have already been close to more than 3,000 persons!Leave guarding of fox city will, is also the military officer for taking the lead, is a summer the sons of Hou house, summer the nephew of the Hou 惇 the summer Hou is still!
After summer Hou 惇 died, the summer Hou still and not gets a summer thinking greatly of of Hou Yuan,beats by dre uk, so less and less is thought greatly of in the position of Hou house in summer.Especially summer Hou still relationship with Cao Pi best, previous Cao Pi Pan lu à n, also brought trouble summer Hou still, if not that the summer Hou is still a summer the Di of Hou house fasten sons, only afraid early drive the Cao c à o to kill!Although the capital crime can don't need,the summer Hou still is also more and more embarrassed at the Cao Wei's position within soldier, front soon and even drive the Cao c à o go together with to this xi ǎ oxi ǎ leaving of o to the hair fox be guard will.
A day ago, summer Hou still originally is such as usually general is leaving fox city to guard, can have never thought, unexpectedly received Chen Tai who spreads clearly from the east the book secretly write, knew west Qin Jun invaded to go up north of news.This bottom but let the Hou in summer still and leave fox city of other guard will all give to frighten!Although leaving fox city to there are also 3,000 soldier of guardings,want should to west Qin Jun's attack obviously still not enough, thought a good half-day, finally public would was to figure out that such a poison accounts.That is to let among them a will lead 300 dead the private pack into the havings that leaves fox city to guard a soldier and leave of officers and men then after leaving fox city to conceal, waiting until a night, again the sneak attack is leaving western Qin Jun of fox city rest!
But the lead to kill a private a dead war of will get, is surrendered to under the Cao c à o debt from the soldier of Yuan Shao by more than 20 year agos of old serve as Zhang Nan.Although this south always be not very get the Cao c à o Be heavy to use, the Cao c à o to he on the whole is have been already known to meet of boon, so for this of is certain to die a task, Zhang Nan's pouring don't also return to cut off.
Everything all such as plan carry on, Zhang Nan and those more than 300 dead privates dies to fight throughout, Leng is west Qin Jun go up and down all to cheat, and the summer Hou still wait to also there is all no quilt in the place of body that person hides west Qin Jun to realize.As for that bushy beard, then summer Hou still nearby of a close soldier, be responsible for at outside find out news, just that bushy beard was dress A that picked a western Qin Jun's officers and men for dying in battle, secretly sneaked into west to find out in Qin Jun Jun.
Deeply absorbed tone, the summer Hou still by hand pointed by leap and bound to continue to point quite a few on the map bottom, then sink a voice as to it's his military officer say:"Tonight son start beginning, let the brotherses all the o heart of xi ǎ order, don't finally cause a trouble!"
"Re!"Being many will is all Hou to the summer to still embrace boxing low voice to drink a , along with the Hou in summer still on putting a hand, those military officers are all dispersed but go.Immediately summer Hou still then a person tightly stare at the map of in front, cold light in eye suddenly and violently sh è, cold hum a , the one punch woulds be to hit at positive center in the map is exactly the city that leaves fox city to guard mansion position place there!
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