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Provoke a war ,no wonder we .But now the king men at most thirty thousand or forty thousand Deng ,I doubt whether he can really call . , relationresultZhao Chen felt that a number of good, smiled and said: elder sister to look at ,in fact, Deng Wang spearhead but for you .
Today there are two minister saying ,said to a strike is avoided, so Deng King no excuses . , relationresultJust keep my eyes closed quietly listening they speak week Dowager suddenly opened his eyes, said: this is what the people of the proposal ,small lichen ,remember that if anyone proposing it ,whoever he is ,will immediately put his dismissal .
, relationresultZhao Chen report, said: mother ,the ... ... , relationresultWeeks : I was just a stupid old woman ,the event has your sister ,brother-in-law to help you understand the effect ,I shouldn interfere .
But remember we to heaven time ,I said to you ,you can really trust absolutely you only one sister ,brother-in-law .Don other people .Therefore, no matter who, if tomorrow is such a suggestion ,immediately deposed him ,even if it is the prime minister ,nor can it be .
, relationresultZhao pillow : mother ,I understand ,please rest assured . , relationresultZhao as she hit the road : not to attack Deng king can ,but his times official accusation but can not make response ,otherwise will make people think we guilty .
I think we should find a talent man ,and to the known to the contemporary people to do response . , relationresultZhao Zichen replied: where to find such a person ? , relationresultZhao Qianru smiled and said : how can you forget in Longxing palace ,Mr.
Chen Liangchen ,is the most suitable candidate . , relationresultZhao Chenyi shot forehead ,also smiled: yes ,how can I forget him ,I remember he wrote the article again to scold Wanyan Yong ,Mo is called a good time .
This job must go to him . , relationresultZhao as she hit the road : small lichen ,now you need a while speaking and paternity system Chao ,I see Mr. Chen is suitable for this position .
To not take advantage of this opportunity ,take him to the letter to . , relationresultZhao Chen smile ,said: the nature is good, but there also need to Mr. Chen help and military affairs .
, relationresultYang Yandao : I where the military and others can handle it ,Mr. Chen in me where do these things to this is to put fine timber to petty use ,to let him into the effectiveness of ,can give full play to his ability .
And I also intend to resign from Guangdong ,Guangxi business model makes position .The two job or try the others . , relationresultZhao Chen startled, said: ,what are you doing? I can not .
.. ... , relationresultYang Yan smiled and said : listen to me ,now I also hold two business model makes ,but in fact I don not where things ,rather than another people ,can also be right and proper management .
, relationresultZhao Zichen said: now is the great song and pillar ,also Longxing palace logistics land, are very important place, which enabled people to do business is to make what is good ? , relationresultYang Yandao : Guangxi has been Xin Youan in the generation I presided over the government ,and doing it on ,I see that can be directly used Xin Youan Guangxi business model makes .
Guangdong there, Guangzhou governor Zhao Ruyu is also the personal material ,can be served as the Guangdong business model makes .Now Yue Shangqing becomes Guangnan road transport make ,let him again as the Guangxi transit ,with three of them being in Guangnan ,should not happen .
, relationresultZhao Chen nodded ,and said: just as well, I will let the book save on two business model makes person . , relationresultYang Yan added: this time I returned the Longxing palace ,also intends to find the time to go to have a look to Guangdong ,Guangdong side of the navy to how ,but now we need to do a long-term and Jin forever ready ,so tax materials such as fabric must be prepared to complete, for a period of time before the Guangnan reserve income by consuming half, now big song in addition to Sichuan ,Guangdong is the most wealthy ,so I also want to get Guangdong merchant ,allowing them to supply some money supplies etc.
. , relationresultZhao Chen nodded ,said: Guangnan thing there ,brother-in-law will do it ,as long as it is against the Jin army beneficial things ,brother-in-law as can be your own boss ,don to tell me .
, relationresultZhao as she hit the road : take advantage of this opportunity, the old lady who also received day Pro government come, they are static River House although Mr Singh to take care of ,but after all is in a foreign country ,home again without a master ,rather than to heaven palace ,one family live together, everything you may have a reference .
Before always in mind . , relationresultZhao Zichen said: my sister said, I had to see the brother-in-law family received days near the palace to better . , relationresultYang Yan nodded ,and said: well ,you can look at bar arrangement .
, relationresultTwo to capture the 1 , relationresult ,you go and tell him ,just say I today physical ailments ,and will not see the guest . Shi Hao waved ,on the station in front of their own son Shi Miyuan said .
relationresult . Shi Miyuan say ,turned to go out ,and be called history of Hao ,later no matter what the man came to visit me ,you answered with is ,do not have to report to heaven one one .
, relationresultWhen Shi Miyuan sent the visitor ,back to the history ,study, before: father, the plateau to call on you two times, also a well-intentioned ,why don meet him? , relationresult Kindness ?What kind ? Shi Hao with his hands behind his back ,with a sneer ,in the house up and down the two steps,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com, said: the plateau is a person who ,don ? , relationresultShi Miyuan smiled a little ,said: the child knows ,he is hung sik to recommend up people ,and Hong Shi are now to the and Liang Kejia formed a band .
, relationresultShi Hao satisfied nodded, and sat back in a chair ,said: so plateau to find me ,never a hundred other things ,just want to pull me to the beam line ,hung sik them to .
He came out ,he came up again ,said with a smile : my old bones ,could anyone miss . , relationresultBecause the history of Hao is before participating in the framed Yang Yan for one of the persons involved ,in Yang Yan out ,although the history of Hao to become hung ,don to a pedestrian Ganzhou ,beats by dre uk,narrowly escaped the life .
Although the later history of Hao also annexed Yang Yan ,crowned Zhao Chen as king ,but the ministers believed in Zhao Chen succeeded to the throne ,will be the first to take history Hao surgery, or at least let history Hao to dismiss ,gave him only a bearing ,be save his face .
So afraid of history Hao trouble, time history of Hao house almost a deserted house. ,desolate .relationresultThe knowledge of Zhao Chen to the throne more than 10 days ,history still firmly sitting on vast ��֪����position,did not want to be relieved of duty signs .
That is a big surprise ,beats dr dre.relationresultBut now the history of Hao performance than previously low-key many ,easy and not opinions ,but also for the Zhao Chen resolution ,all alone with ,not against .
Because of this ,Zhao Chen ,Zhao Qianru ,Zhao Yueru and other personnel feel temporarily can still retain the history of ho .Because of different flood dragon ,Hao had Tik ,Zhang said these hyojong officials, he was making crown prince when the teacher ,but also for the people in the literati also respected ,so continue to stay in the history of Ho in ,for stable popular feeling good .
relationresultWhile the other minister sees ,also on the history of great importance by re .Have figured out ,Shi h to now can also maintain down, there will be special .Thus began many people visit history ho .
But the history of Ho in addition to the normal .Besides, the other time in the home read a book ,all visitors will not see .Even Liang Kejia and hung sik company are also not listed , relationresultShi Miyuan hesitated ,before: even if they find father, I see not bad .
Difficult to father were now so go silent not . , relationresultThe original news to the three party ,to Chen Junqing and Han Yanzhi led the battle ,while the Dragon yuan ,once Tik ,said Zhang ,Shi h et al the Lord and ,two always give tit for tat ,each other .
Liang Kejia He Hongshi in the two factions which remain neutral ,i.e. the body against the Reconquista ,also opposed to Jin territory coin receiving summation ,but advocate the row River and treat ,in preparation for the Jin army, but not easily enter ,so it is also called as shou .
relationresultNow dragon yuan ,once Tik ,said Zhang ,Shi h et al because almost seemed to the whole army was wiped out. Therefore ,battle and the main keep two does not exist between the buffer ,is also intensifying . Related articles:

