
Beats Solo HD s clothes~~~~

!Are you how can?"The window after opening gorgeous got a fright.Then see the ice bridge of my feet continuing to ask a way again:"Is this what you do?"
"H'm!!Female young lady Ban Qiao Er of my beauty at?"I ordered to nod very'gentleman'of say.
"At!Qiao son, you come quickly~~~~"Is gorgeous to inside call.
"Call what???Quickly good!!"Betty at in call a way.My curious of go toward a to see ……
"Darling ……the person is still much true!!"I beg for a way.Room inside in addition to Qiao son, ice, gorgeous, Betty four females it I still have a lace, Lin sand and pity, she rounds Qiao son betwixt disguise dress up ……
"Good~~~~"They finally completed work under the shouting loudly of Lin sand, Qiao son also at many females of'trap to block'in the powder makeup appear.This a moment I am thoroughly stunned speechless, the Qiao son is always beautiful in the my eyes of, moving of ……but never that kind of is beautiful to let people can not orthoptic felling.'This in this world never ugly woman, only have a lazy woman!!'This sentence is used to seem here a nothing important isn't good, at ordinary times the Qiao son of fresh little disguise already the beauty Be getting more moving, now then day with meticulous care of a dress up is also Xuan eyes Duo person!!
"Qiao son, you are very beautiful~~~" Leng the along while extruded this a few words and made Qiao son face up turn over repeatedly a fever.
"Thank host ……" Qiao son awkward and shily says.
"Cough~~~~" What the beauty of Qiao son brings shocking in wake up after I am pure to settle throat, then list the knee kneel down a saying of deep feeling style style:"Beauty of Qiao Ms. Er, would you like to be my lover?Probably I can not give you too many and give you too good of ……but I would like to give you my had better, the most beautiful ……"
"I~~~~I~~~~"The Qiao son good will moves, the good will moves ……her host never the list knee once knelt other people, now then ……again how not touched?
"I …… would like to ……" I open a brocade to match to take out the bracelet takes for her up, conveniently pack last my do of evil crystal stone ……the bracelet send out ten thousand Tao Kuang long grasses to make many females to all marvel!!At their Leng absolute being at the same time I pull to have Qiao son to step ice bridge walk under go, walk each time one meter after death of ice bridge the meeting Kua next meter until the ice bridge disappears in the public in front, I also disappear in the crowd with Qiao son ……at this time many females just wake up with a start:"Oh~~~~How can let that sex maniac take Qiao son?Not is say that the good Qiao son is ours tonight?"
"Make track for quickly~~~can not let that guy give Qiao son'eat'~~~~"
"Feed~~~~What about my shoes?"
"Blare~~~~You who see somebody else's clothes~~~~"
"Is alas~~~~My feet~~~~Damn of Betty trampled somebody else's feet~~~~~"Ring out repeatedly pressing voice inside the room.
Follow behind crowd of people, we arrived at a conventional center and rang out to repeatedly and wonderfully produce a supply and marketing in person's head conventional center for flowing out, people double the double enter a field towards dancing towards hugging to each other it happened that …… being we a,Beats Solo HD, I, beautiful of Qiao son, the flickering and flaring bracelet neither doesn't become the focus in the owner eyes and ignore them to envy or envy the vision of Ji I and the Qiao son arrived at the center of dance floor ……
"Host, don't you will not dance?"The Qiao son is or so to see in a soft voice say in my ear for a while.
"Xi Xi~~~~Who say is the dance definitely used to jump?"I mysteriously smiled to smile to say.Didn't also stop on the hand.The left hand holds tight the right hand of Qiao son, the right hand hugged the slender waist of Qiao son to let all alone her to tightly stick himself/herself ……
"That BE~~~?"Qiao Er doesn't understand of way.
"Use to float of~~~" says I and the Qiao son also follow behind music to slowly float and see dance, but in fact our feet don't arrive ground at all, the Qiao son hands hug my neck, the head is tiny depend on at my enjoy my consideration and gentleness before the chest ……
"Ha ha~~~~Only this kind of time probably also then I can compare Qiao son Gao Chu Yi head ……"begging for of my self-ridicule way.
A song at last our nearby rang out repeatedly an applause, can we didn't intend to come to a stop, I slowly floated conventional center ……float to afar ……floated to leave the conventional center for quarreling, tonight's night is belong to a lover of is belong to two people, not this conventional center that quarrels,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com.We just just left many females asthma hiss hiss of arrive to ……
"Is damned~~~ made them give to run ……" is many to is female to complain, and in the dance floor of another a carry also have an individual is exploding to jump such as cursing and scolding of thunder:"The right bower damned incredibly dares to fool me!!Returned to you to die to settle ……"suddenly'he'eyes one bright detection'find', hence'he'come forward also regardless of'find'nearby have already had male the companion say very politely:"This beautiful young lady, I can I ask you to do to pay a dance?"
"!"Girl one Leng right away way.
"Ha ha~~~certainly'handsome Sir'!!"
"Can not!!You have never seen her have already had a companion?"The male's companion different idea cuts up rough of way.
"How?Does your boy want to duel with me?"'He'pull that.
"!!Not not not~~~~Don't dare~~~~You please, beautiful teacher Ya ……"backing of boy's scare to one side in the mind that ……is not a taste~~~~Why to say so?You want if girl friend drive the man rent away you can use a 'sour'word to describe, but if girl friend drive a women to robbed to want that meeting is what taste???
Looking at a girl friend drive'roughneck'to rent away but don't dare to make a noise as well, he who look one-time also has no little encounter'roughneck'humiliate ……but at the moment far on side a rightness of loverses of mirror lake at tying up of intense emotion Mian behind, girl's half is naked Jiao body to depend on in the boy's body photogenic kitty bell to listen to the boy's heart palpitates~~~~
"Qiao son, do you lead happily tonight?"
"H'm~~~~This is the from birth and the most happy night in Qiao son ……"
"BE?You were happy can I?"
"!!!Host Rao Qiao son~~~~The Qiao son really doesn't go~~~~"
"~~~~BE?But your body seem to be than your mouth to want to get honesty~~~~"
"H'm H'm~~~~~~~~~"Hence'war'bring about in another by the lake.

Chapter 26: Suddenly and violently female tender feelings

The second chapter 26:suddenly and violently female tender feelings
A room of utter darkness, in the room in addition to the breath voice heard what also can't see, from the degree that the breath deeply sank to see the person in the room have been already fallen asleep, suddenly one regiment weak of the light shine in the room and only soon disappear ……inside the room many 2 people!!
I embrace Qiao son to put at a bed up say:"Is lovely~~~~Thoroughly sleep ……"the madness just letting go of has already caused Qiao son's canning not stand at this time, so is just embraced by me~~~~
"The host small voice doesn't give° them at 1:00 noisy awake~~" Qiao son in a soft voice says
"H'm~~~~I walked ……"only and again shine me to disappear at room in, in fact I didn't leave how far, I outside their door ……I ain't peeping~~~~Because I discovered manies in the room of Qiao son two people's breath doesn't trust to arrive at an etc. outside the door to see have under me what circumstance appear ……indeed as expected in less than a minute after room of the light is suddenly big bright and then hear Betty's laughter:"Xi Xi~~~~The Qiao son is this time musted live by us~~~~"
"You ……you how so late haven't slept?"Qiao son of the voice has a little dither.
"Xi Xi~~~~You also knew very late~~~~Hold tight her quickly,Beats Detox, press down her quickly ……"
"~~~~Don't , beg you don't~~~~"The Qiao son screams.Hear the interjection of Qiao son, I really want to keep dashing into, but the one more thinks if like this emit to recklessly dash into that Related articles:

