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Big saint of?"
"Because kwanyin boddhisattva the too big Ci Be big to be getting sader!Can't protect me to catch a person, but Sun Da Dun Sheng is necessarily to abhor evils as if they were enemies, a demon in addition to, will definitely protect me."
"Is the cuckoo bad person and devil?I see Sun Da Dun Sheng want to catch first of, is your this small monster!"
"Good!My small ancestor!No matter his being a good person is good, the devil is also good, in fine, I hope to find out him!"
The small monster easy to get along with son entered a small town.This small town only has a granite avenue, the both sides of street, current residence, there are also store, teahouse and noodles file.The small monster says to the Wan son:"We eat noodles not very good?"
The Wan son is always a female kid, sometimes also like to have fun and join a crowd for fun, she says:"Good ah!"
They sit down before the file in the noodles and respectively wanted noodle with meat-bean sauce, the small monster just ate a half, and the at heart is one Zheng, slightly said to the Wan son:"Sun Da Dun Sheng really showed supernatural power!"
The Wan son is startled:"You is this what mean?"
"In this small town, have him the smell for staying, but very thin, not and carefully smell, almost smell not to come out."
"Do I dare to tease you for fun?He really once appeared on this small town."
"That how do we track?"
"Do not talk, finish eating noodles, we every where look for right away!"The small monster says, the mood doesn't know is happy or concussion, secretly say, good ah, and then make me find out you!
Finished eating noodles, the small monster easy to get along with son then followed smell and turned small town, always walk toward north.Walk 1, say:"Is not this the road that goes to Jin cloud mountain?"
"So say, mysterious cuckoo, very likely conceal in Jin cloud mountain!Don't blame him often in Chongqing a to take out now.We walk quickly."
"You can't coax me to go to Jin cloud mountain and have fun?"
"Ah!Jin cloud mountain has what divertive?Perhaps it has no us to order Cang mountain so have fun."
"If can not find cuckoo in Jin cloud mountain, I see how you give an account to me."
"You doesn't this want my life?"
"How did I want your life?"
"In case of he just in Jin cloud mountain linger for a while, and then turn to go to another place, how do I find out him?"
"You beg Sun Da Dun Sheng to protect you!"
"You think to really have what kwanyin boddhisattva and does Sun Da Dun Sheng protect?"
"Have no!You beg them stem?Just you still say what the big saint showed supernatural power!Have no, will he show supernatural power?"
"Good!My small ancestor, you are absolutely committing tomfoolery!"
"What do you say?"
"Like,Facebook!I what don't also say."
Say, they on the tip of Jin cloud mountain foothill, the small monster smells the smell of cuckoo more and more thick!He is affirmative, mysterious cuckoo, in Jin cloud mountain, the mood is immediately excited.
Jin cloud mountain, Wan son already and small fairy to lead once, can say to is to oldly revisit now, she asks small monster:"We which mountain does the way walk?"
"You follow me to walk."
Finally, they arrive at Jin cloud temple, the facial expression of small monster is immediately nervous, he worries cuckoo again it the never thought that point poured himself/herself, say to the Wan son:"Younger sister, we had better scatter to walk and had an accident in case of me, you can save me."
The Wan son mood is also nervous all of a sudden:"Do we asunder walk?Do you dare to affirm him in Jin cloud temple?"
"I dare to affirm, just don't know he and then with what facial expression appear."
"He can't shave light head, become a monk?"
"I don't know that shaving head bald perhaps can't.Aught, as long as I smell the smell that send out on his body, which afraid that he disguised as old woman or young woman, I will compete first make moves and ordered to pour him first."
"Since so, that we asunder walk dry?"
"Not not!The affair isn't afraid of 10,000, afraid in case of, I am worried about us dynasty he walk to, he again compete first, sealed our acupuncture pointses, that we will be made fun of by him!We still separately of good, a front an after, be separated ten Zhangs, and still make him don't know that we are together."
"Is all right!That I secretly follow you good!You can have to be careful."
"I meeting especially careful of."
Hence their 2 people, a front one empress, along with some good believerses and the visitors, walked into Jin cloud temple.The monk in the temple, thinking that they don't know is which benefactor of sons and daughters, don't also notice them.Small monster fore palace, medium palace, empress palace, be partial to inside palace and temple everywhere of set of rooms, all walked 1 time, but don't discover cuckoo.The Wan son after death has to at him the running about aimlessly of full temple is along with him, drill indiscriminately, this for a while, the Wan son livinged Yi again, can't be a small monster to have intention to play joke on me to follow him to run about aimlessly?Good ah!If your with intention to makes fun of me and cans not finds cuckoo and sees how I is as endless as you!Afterwards, the small monster turned a temple to outside go from the back door of temple.Jin cloud temple is a back depend in "lion", "gather cloud" are two Fengs, ex- face secluded valley, on all sides thou wood three day, Cui bamboo become wood, is a deep mountain for being worthy of the name thou temple.Jin cloud temple back door outside, the tree is particularly profound, general good believers, can't run here, is a visitor also little arrive.Because majority of visitors aren't the plum park, camellia park that visits a big palace right-hand side in front, be visit or so laurel blossom park and that famous"wash Mo pond", again otherwise, be visit to leave Jin cloud temple not and far in the overhanging cliff cliff of long for a rock.
Long for a rock, can be treated as Jin cloud mountain win one of the views most well-knownly, spread all over red bean to long for a tree here before, and then had the longing for of handsome beautiful wing the bird be dwelt for rest to grove in, so called to long for a rock.It is saied that in the tang dynasty, longed for the spring beside the rock to once flow out to appear red lotus, noodles wide three Chinese feet, the view joys spread, through the immortalization in month.Again the legend is in Sung generation, there is golden light breaking ground four to shoot, it is more than 300s to thus dig to send out a gold just statue of Buddha.Certainly, all of these are the myths, the shortage is a letter, but here, still have Sung generation sculpture carvings person for leaving statue now, lead to many scholar refined scholars to come to appreciate to discriminate, stay overnight in Jin cloud temple, as for temple empress of forest, though is secluded, few people arrived.
Small monster but follow the smell of cuckoo, after looking for a temple of in the forest, the small monster far and far saw a white dress show just with an old monk and sat the stone Deng Yi chess under the tree, special smell of cuckoo body,google, from this white dress show just body up send forth.In the small monster after death of the Wan son also saw, but she doesn't have small monster of especially difference skill, smell not to serve as what smell, smell of Be just the subtle fragrance of the plant and the breathing of the countryside.
The Wan son wishes:This show just and old monk, can't be a cuckoo?But see the unreal image evil hands that the small monster suddenly displayed his inherited in the family absolute being achievement, person as flying of unreal image Zong past, on making moves, then seal this white dress show just on 45 acupuncture pointses of body, then the space space ground smiles:"This for a while, you also ordered for me to pour?I see how you play joke on me again."
Wan son one Zheng:Is this show just really a cuckoo?See to float the elder brother's nose a tube really be used, finally find out for him.Hence also fly Zong since then, she want to see this mysterious cuckoo, exactly is a what kind of person.Sits because the cuckoo is to carry small monster, Wan son,cnn, sees a person, but coulds not see facial expression.The small monster suddenly makes moves, really too quick!Also stunned the old monk of Yi chess, a long time could not said words.
When the Wan son sees clear white dress a show just of facial expression, also temporarily foolish live, is this a cuckoo?These are two childes in the Mo house of bookworm!Her Zheng is big eyes hope Mo with stunned and immobile facial expression drop:"Is two childes you?"
The small monster also saw clear, from happy satisfied became surprise:"What?Is a bookworm?Can't?"
Wan Er says:"He is clearly two childes, how can't?Do you recognize not to come out?"
Small monster for a while again silly eye:"Can't!Can't!I clearly ……"he saw vacant to frighten into inaction of old monk's one eye, don't think ownly especially difference the skill speak, the favour withdraws previous remark to say:"I clearly have no Related articles:

