
dr dre beats t she annoyed intent

Do worry dream and small girl chat in the outside now! I didn't also disturb them and went out and a few colleagues of childhood yearses chatted, everyone was to say how these years led, however, they mostly have already had a kid, there are two guys, the kids will buy soy sauce, we all feel deeply about, and the time is really heartless!In a moment, everyone has already become to°from the original small fart Hai the father of small fart Hai. Arrived at 12:00 many clocks, vegetables all basically ascend together, according to the rules in the village, close an uncle to press the status of a generation, the young and old order of sequence waits the seat of arranging everybody, marriage celebrate the person of company to sit 1 table, my beauties and uncle Guans one sits 1 table. After guest and host fall divide, everyone started eating, I and if the dream respected both parties parents respectively, and each beauty, then, I pull if the dream arrives each one to toast, but what I drink is a beverage today.It is today to make me surprised the elders the person of hometownses unexpectedly have no a make me drink of, all say to call me at will, afterwards I just know and closed uncle and village master to say "hello", today who can not make me drink, either, because do I in a short while still need to return companies to toast! For all that, more than 60 feasts, I still kept respecting more than two hours, some friends of childhood yearses, see me and beautiful of if dream, always need to let us speak that the romantic in love experiences etc., some guys still think Ka Ka if the oil of dream, but see if the dream is so gentle, all didn't next successful. Return to our seats up, if the dream tightly leans against my shoulder, Du wears a mouth to say, "poem Xia, I am very uneasiness, when can return to here!". Once the worry dream listen to, the favour makes fun of her, "kid sister, is be not urgently wear into nuptial chamber!Want to be not you to go into nuptial chamber in the small Xia house!". Worry dream so on saying, everyone who ask for smiled, if the dream face changes all of a sudden of is red, Chen worry dream one eye say, "worry elder sister Meng, you bad dead, ignored you". The Zi dream smiled to choke the arm of worry dream to say, "you this opening mouth is a Rao person not, if dream face were so thin, you would also stir her". After everyone said in a short while words, I to pass uncle and pass the Shen said good-bye, I say, "uncle, Shen, you are at home favour!I want to return to, time also about, all quickly at 3:00, we arrive the spring river's guest house also get 4, 5:00!". Close Shen to hurriedly stand up, say, "your etc., does the Shen still have a thing to want to you!", Say, close Shen to return to an inside house to go. Took a bracelet to come over in pass Shen hand not and in a short while, go toward if wear on the dream hand, say, "this is what I took to come over from the natal home while aming young, originally thought to the son sent to the daughter-in-law while getting married, result the god didn't make me have a son, now poem Xia gets married, the Shen sent to you". Once I see and hurriedly say, "is nothing doing, Shen, determinedly don't go, you should give small Xia hereafter wore while getting married of, we can not want". If dream also favour to outside push to close Shen, say, "Shen, I really can not want and thank you, Shen, your intention I got". Closed Shen to get angry afterwards, "poem Xia, you have to recognize me this Shen, you let if the dream puts on, you play by ear!". At this time, the Zi dream comes over here and helps if the dream put on and said, "kid sister, quickly thanks pass Shen, closing the Shen is sincerely to how are you, don't decline". Closed Shen to finally peep out satisfied smiling face.Taking leave to close an uncle is an and the person of hometowns after, we set out to the spring river's guest house and married a car Be rapid to march forward in the road returned to, but face don't small Xia the despairing look in the eyes always linger around in my brain and let my heart unclearly make a pain and also constantly and downwards sink, I already grow mightiness of prepare feeling, I feel that the small Xia will have an accident and really hope to ownly prepare feeling to is wrong, but now also can such such as already. Arrived downtown, I made a telephone call for Han Mei and told her that we still have 10 came to minute to is the spring river's guest house, Han Mei said, they all already in the spring river's guest house, wait us! The Zi dream says in the my ear small voice, "baby, not to drink too much tonight, don't discommode if dream know?". I also the small voice say to her, "know, but have a condition, you must stay in the past, did I have words to say to you!", In fact, I am to want to tell her, I feel that the business of small Xia has to have solution, otherwise, I do what all absent-minded of, I really worry little younger sister Xia, I want to let the Zi dream give decision for my. "You whisper what ah!Still don't make me know?", If dream blunt our Du wears a small mouth to say. "Nothing important, the Zi dream makes me humiliate you in the evening several more of", I stired to stir her. "Baby talks nonsense what!If dream, I am to make him forbid in the evening to drink, be good friends with very painful you, not very good?", The Zi dream says and stretches out a hand and managed for a while if the hair Ji of dream, for a small action, Zi dream the gentle and soft personality completely reared and saw of my in the mind warm ocean ocean of. Arrived the spring river's guest house, for a while car, the photographer of behind hurriedly come over and clapped us,cheap beats by dre, my Wan wear if the arm style style of dream walks into guest house, we this to the boy and girl attendants of fairies asks for of surroundings of pedestrian all the Chu foot watch, I feel mainly is a beauty Be getting tooer many, so ask for person's eyeball more. Han Mei, Nuo Deng company Lee's framework has already worn us in Hou in the guest house doorway and see we arrive and all face to come up and mean a congratulation to our weddings, but I discover, Li Nuo's facial expression is a bit stiff, although have already smiled an idea, very force. Follow behind Han Mei, they arrive at a guest house restaurant, I took a look the whole restaurant decoration, don't say, this star class guest house is different, for the sake of our wedding dinners, the guest house set out a restaurant with meticulous care for a while, the restaurant hangs above full thousand paper cranes, red hibiscus etc., stick red paper on the front a piece of big whiteboard, write "wish to close poem Mr. Xia, if Ms. Meng, a hundred years match so much and reach old age together" a few big words, does the broadcasting inside still sow to congratulate a phrase!What guest house the general manager so-and-so Sir represent guest house all the employee wish our newly married happiness!A hundred years match so much etc., however, feel really pretty warm and fragrant. The employee of the company sees we come, some women open the hard nut to crack is to two of us, have to let me before saying a dinner beginning and if the dream heat kisses for 5 minutes, otherwise don't pass us. If the dream is abashed of all didn't dare to see everyone,cheap dr dre beats, head the bosom that covered up into me, Be not willing to lift up head, I start to give her head and holdses her chin, she awkward and shily looking at me and blushes the red, special sexy charming, I say, "if the dream is free, we ignore they, you shut eye up", finish saying, I looking at her. If the dream is obedient ground of once the beautiful Mou shut, I hurriedly kissed up, if dream awkward and shily accolade wear my hot kiss, then, by instinct and by hand hugged my neck, once everyone see and all summoned up Zhang to come, Han Mei smiles to say to everyone, "like, pass our bride, does the somebody else still feel ashamed!". If dream hurriedly will I loose open, I smile to say to them, "like, thank everyone to come me and if the wedding of dream, now we beginning!The  Sao  silk Shao Yun Xia temple is the Se handsome thin?"President, all like, wait your this bridegroom under orderanied, Li Nuo, you go to and say with attendant, let they were on the dishes to go with wine" Han Mei says, . Li Nuo promised a , "okay, Han Zong, I go right away". After several minutes, the dishes to go with wines all continuously came up, we and a few frameworks sit 1 table, its her person still has two tables of, after everyone falls, I announced some kind of newly marrieds to address first, the main contents is the day that thanks these days of everyones for losing a father and preparing a wedding at me in constant from beginning to endly diligent work, make me able to trust ground to finish doing to work well these matters, and promise will definitely accompany tonight everyone's several more cups to show a gratitude. The Zi dream hears I have to keep the time of everyone's several more cups company, eyes dead hopeless situation stares at me, some Yun ideas, I know that she is worried that I will inebriate. Address to complete, I started fulfilling my promise, and what I drink is a white spirit,dr dre beats, certainly what I used is a small cup, I respected Han Mei Yi's cup first and thanked her to support that I work, and arranged this dinner and connected down and respected Li Nuo respectively, Deng Mei Zhi, close frameworks like Ling,etc, after finishing, again pull if dream arrive it she is two tables of to respect everyone, 1 turn comes down, I have already drunk a half catty many white spirits, the face has already changed of Be getting reder.I peeped several eye Zis dream, what she annoyed intentionally doesn't see me, I know, and my purpose comes to a. In fact, I am clear to own capacity for liquor, to I but speech, drink a half catty white spirit and drink 32 don't distinguish, a word is all dizzy, but consciousness is clear, estimate to is people to often say of, drink 6, 70%!So have no big Ai, but I can carry out me the extraordinary plan of two waitress men, I have already held tight the weakness of Zi dream, she can in no way see me Related articles:

