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Lun .Even though both hostile soldiers ,also not want to stop, take a good look at the .relationresultXie Qingfenghearts are increasingly anxious ,a tight like sword, only hate not with Ye Muxue stabbed to death ,to solve the hate of mind .
In fact,cheap dr dre beats, the secret palace martial arts tend to door class, pay attention to keep calm ,calm calm ,then Xie Qingfeng is urgent fire attack ,Zhaozhao attack ,seemingly full momentum ,Artist Series,in fact, and the secret palace martial violate greatly ,therefore his actual martial arts also played less than six into .
relationresultLeafMuxue is his juniors ,but the two generation disciple of talent people with the highest ,these a few years in Taihu, also did not put down the exerciser ,and just is the heart without near eagle, should the Taoist quietism purposes, so that the actual martial arts ,she actually has not in Xie Qing ,again with the addition of two people with be born from the secret palace ,on mutual routines are very familiar with, another wave of the tide ,that leaves Muxue easily evaded Xie Qingfeng .
relationresultXie Qingfengair attack out of more than 30 sword ,again fierce momentum will be exhausted ,finally had to accept the sword back .Ye Muxue then fought back, your sword light Sheng ,strength is threatening, suddenly Xie Qingfeng beat back again and again, no longer had courage .
But with the automorphic ,only avoid enemy for Ye Muxue .relationresultButthe rebels in two the strongest people although Song Jun was blocked, but also Zhang Fangyuan ,Cai Fang ,Ryo Amami ,Luo Yanchao four of their martial arts ,although not as good as Xie Qingfeng and song Yiren ,but also far better than ordinary song Bing ,so the wall to kill Song Jun in succession fell to the ground .
Ling Xiang and Ye Muxue martial arts are strong ,but all at once ,also care for this and lose that .relationresultThe rebels fightingforce than the Song Jun ,but is also in the attack ,but a little advantage ,it is the concentration of forces at several points ,while Song Jun was less, but also hold every wall ,forces are dispersed substantially ,so the opponent in this master charge array case ,Song Jun care for this and lose that ,being more and more rebels push on City ,and went to the yard .
Even Zhao Chen side of the guard ,and Huang Mingxia ,Gu Xueping joined the battle group in .relationresultButin the Tianxuan that group is compelled under the wall after wall ,confluence ,Qin Huang and Liu Jingtian in the Zhao Yueru stone ,Qin Huang being shot through the chest ,had died ,and Liu Jingtian was shot through the thigh injury ,though heavy ,but it is safe to .
In Tianxuan Qin Huangzhong arrow and killed ,nor be filled with righteous indignation ,called Liu Jingtian back up again ,he jumped on the wall ,to kill song .relationresultWhen thesong to the no one can compete with him ,and he killed it has opened a big gap ,the rebels from the notch attack on the wall ,to the imperial city .
relationresultIronforest sees state, had to see to battle in the Tianxuan .In fact, his basic skills is quite solid ,obtains Yang Yan advice ,and after several years of experience ,is the debut was the naive young has not be mentioned in the same breath with .
But with Zong Tianxuan this talented young master is compared ,still have not little difference ,so two people fights Shuzhao ,was killed in Tianxuan only defense work ,defenseless .But then Gu Xueping came to them in time ,two people double battle Zongtian Xuan ,it reluctantly maintains a tie .
relationresultBut Zong Tianxuanis also seen in some scenes ,side by side with their hands ,while pay attention to observe the current situation .When the rebels were two or three yard is reached ,and for melee .
Song Yiren ,Xie Qing Ling Xiang ,and still leaves Muxue dogfight ,Zhang Fangyuan ,Cai Fang ,Ryo Amami ,and Luo Yanchao respectively in the battle has not .relationresultZong Tianxuaneyes swept away ,just in time to see in dozens of steps ,is the supreme Zhao lichen ,although he is a military uniform, but a yellow robe ,headband crown ,in a group of Wei to be ,the Chamberlain family is also very prominent .
Zong Tianxuan hearts ,hastily left iron forest and the Gu Xueping two people ,but the Zhao Chenfei longitudinal and go .relationresultTie Chenglinand the Gu Xueping two people are struggling to support ,a sudden pressure light ,found in the Tianxuan has abandoned himself to ,although some accidents, but was relieved ,but then looked at ,in Tianxuan was yelling at Zhao Chen to go, two people can be frightened and change color ,went in pursuit, but slow so what ,by not catch up .
relationresultWhenthe rebels reached the imperial city by ,so Zhao Chen is also the location of many back ,but he was afraid to shake the morale of troops ,also dare not step back too far ,still hold them back .
While in his side ,only a dozen Wei to be protected ,and more than 20 young audiences .relationresultWhendoctor Wang Nianxian and Zhang Xianzhi has been rushed to the scene, a soft couch also carried ,but Zhao Yueru interest for a while, also slightly better ,therefore also adhere to accompany Zhao lichen ,reluctant to retreat ,soft couch on the Zhao Chen .
She does not return ,Zhao Qianru is not back, along with the two doctor, are together with .Just let Zhao Yueru sit in soft couch ,for her pulse .relationresultAt this moment,I saw in the Tianxuan potential for the tigers to general Zhao Chen ,pouncing ,your sword dance piece piece scouring the general abilities, block in front of him song Bing without being cut so that blood Rou flying ,die an untimely on .
relationresultZhao Chen bymore than 10 Wei to be hurried to the period of blade ,stepped forward to stop .When Zong Tianxuan had seven or eight wounds ,although not fatal ,but it does not light .
But he knew that the opportunity is rare ,as long as to be able to kill Zhao Chen, is to set the overall situation ,therefore be bursting with a force of consumption ,not really ,but a momentary Kung Fu ,the more than 10 Wei to be killed to the dead again .
relationresultZhao Qianru hurriedto Zhao Chen said: government ,quickly hide . But it was too late ,Soiche Haruki kills Zhao Chen before, regardless of others ,the swords of a lightning bolt ,straight to Zhao Chen .
relationresultAt thiscrucial moment ,Zhao Yueru didn that to strength ,push has scared silly Wang Niansheng ,from soft couch jumped up ,left a pushing Zhao Chen ,Zhao Chen will be pushed to one side ,at the same time ,the right hand pull the waist wearing crimson as Dan a cross swords ,block in Tianxuan this sword .
relationresultWhen two swords crossed Zhao Yueru ,trembling all over ,feel abdomen is a heart aches skein ,eyes were black, crimson as a flying hand ,whole person also had been knocked over a yard .
relationresultSoiche Harumitsu thoughthis sword as sure as a gun ,he thought that anyone would cross Cha rods come in, Zhao Chen stopped the sword .But when Zhao who has been shock fly ,while Zhao Chen Zhao Yueru was a push ,the body also lost his balance ,fell to the ground .
When Zong Tianxuan saw ,or have a look who just turned this sword, and the sword to Zhao Chenci .relationresultThis timeno one can save Zhao Zichen ,even Zhao Qianru, eyes closed ,not daring to look down .
relationresultAt this moment,Soiche Xuantada brain wind blow ,strong management ,just play with him in the forest ,Gu Xueping iron .If you must kill Zhao lichen ,oneself also surely die .
relationresultInan important juncture of life and death ,Mune Chenxuan instinctively sword twist body ,a palm strike to the back ,know who is opponent , bang double palm intersect ,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com,Soiche Xuantada chest flesh body roll ,but also use this power to the left palm ,drift past .
And after landing, finally could not help but spits out some blood .relationresultThiscase Tianxuan saw ,hand on their own was a middle-aged grey nuns ,negative hands up .Then the grey ,side and down a dozen young woman ,a sword and stand, glared at the case of Tianxuan .
relationresultAndin addition to a white nun ,with two young women ,has been driven past raised Zhao Yueru ,pushing her shoulder ,and said: like ,how are you ? , relationresultZhao Yueru thenopened his eyes ,almost also thought it was a dream ,fibrillation track: master, how could it be you? Come .
, relationresultTothis group of women is one of Zhao Yueru master mask, water and their disciples Hong Shuer ,Shen Ruolan, Bai Xin Ru ,Ji Ying ,Zhou Lingyun .They like and Zhao has been Related articles:

