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Soldiers .2. , relationresultValuetime, Zhang Wei mood fully stabilized ,with Qi Dazhu ,attached the combat squad ,steer ,two big sword up cut down ,blood light splash ,screaming down the enemy .
I cut down many enemy soldiers ,but also does not feel how hard .Zhang Wei understood that ,the team cooperation in this battle is so important .relationresultIn fact,both sides are is to be trained with regularity and be a veteran in battle troops ,so the soldiers not just with force quite hit foolhardy, but in accordance with their usual training ,formed a quick battle group ,cooperate with each other to fight .
Even if some were scattered after the battle group ,the rest of the soldiers will immediately join the other combat groups, or with other death immediately to form a new combat groups, continue to fight .
Everyone is only one belief ,is killed in front of each one of the enemy ,until the enemy were killed ,perhaps he was killed .3. , relationresultIt can be said that thisbattle both show high morale ,fearless courage and excellent quality .
The Jin army against the city walls ,the troops of Song Jun can not be started ,the number of advantage play does not come out .But the Jin army ranged weapons and archers was also Song Jun firmly pinned ,unable to fight fellow City forming support ,therefore the Jin army hopes to rely on the city with little support ,the enemy will also lose more ,can only rely on the city under force and Song Jun force could consume .
relationresultDeath in thetime immediately generated in large amounts ,the battlefield by lying with corpses ,and alive with fellow soldiers or enemy corpses ,still drop more than, making more death ,until they too become one .
relationresultIn thesong dozens of military to become the most busy people ,there have been wounded soldiers from the battlefield by rescue workers carry back ,still loud groans were not ,there are also some of my step-by-step climb back .
Brine ,gauze ,bandages ,articles such as drugs like water in general was sent up from time to time ,and the wounded soldier screaming sound .5. The ground spread all across in confusion ,littered with activated from the disabled physically unplug ,still with dripping blood, broken arrow ,broken blade .
relationresultAll thesoldiers have all been sent to help the medical rescue of the wounded .After Jin-jun nanqin ,Yang Yan found that female soldiers in the battlefield is not really something ,in the key moment ,not only can be sent into battle to boost morale ,and usually help wounded soldier ,also can reduce the pain psychologically wounded .
So he and Zhao Yueru discussed ,Jing Yan Army women soldiers in training I ,also learn some cleaning wounds ,dressing ,dressing technology .But charge when Xia ,Jing Yan Jun did not play ,did not test the effect .
At the same time also finally can come in handy ,relationresultAssoldiers to help ,not only makes the medical work is reduced greatly, to treat the injured speed greatly, even the wounded feelings are much better .
But in the battlefield rear when the other established healing place the order or many ,no wheel of the victims are waiting patiently ,and not to scold and man .7. Up arrow also endured the do not call ,washing the wound also teeth do not shout ,after all, old old man not in front of the woman with his foot ,also take a more manly courage to .
relationresultEspecially in thelater ,even the leaves Muxue also attend to treat the wounded to work ,more is that many wounded very moved .Some seriously injured were immediately sent back to camp in treatment ,and some wounded soldiers after the dressing ,and lift arms ,courage to fight in combat .
Overall look ,the effect is really good .Nevertheless ,still have many casualties because of seriously injured died ,died on the spot of the soldiers .But this cannot be handled immediately the bodies ,the whole being carried to the side ,white cloth cover .
And then again into the rescue work to other wounded .relationresultOf course,now Yang Yan in no time to take these things ,even to Zhang Wei thoughts are all placed in the back of the head, but devoted herself to the fight .
With his command ,for men or move forward or backward ,or stop or war ,according to the battlefield situation ,constantly changing tactics .9. While in the opposite side of the array, Wanyan Chen Heshang also be absorbed in watching the battlefield ,and constantly adjusted .
relationresultThis battlewas fought for more than two hours ,beats by dre uk,soldiers of both sides were alternately into battle,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com, losses were over three thousand, Yang Yan saw horse with exhaustion ,still can not overcome the Jin army, and ordered the troops .
And Jin Jun is also be used up ,unable to fight back, returns to the town to .In the twinkling of an eye ,the battlefield is empty ,just over the dead, then both sides sent into battle to recover their warrior ,Qing picking up lost weapons .
relationresultThis pointboth sides very tacit understanding ,also do not contend for ,the passing of time, will nod to each other ,sometimes also will greet each other, here your a . At the same time two people hold a gun when, also give up , you get it ,you get it .
, relationresultSong Junwithdrawal is a sequence of positions on the wounded soldiers from the army ,cover ,first being transferred back to the other military camp ,then in turn out ,but there are still a few need emergency bandaging the wounded to stay ,emergency treatment .
7. Liability alert after soldiers have been left in the final .relationresultYang Yan saw thatmost of the men were sequentially and retreat ,it came to a temporary treatment positions ,commanding them to rewind .
Fortunately, this position only dozens of wounded soldiers ,mostly through a simple dressing ,is preparing to single frame carried back to the camp .relationresultAt this time,only to have people shouted : ,you must hold on, I don explain to you .
You are so stupid, give that guy a knife not what does not ?Why to want to put him off, the results make a way ,how can I explain to you ... ... , relationresultYang Yan listens,will know that it Qi Dazhu rough voice immediately following the sound ,look ,Qi Dazhu saw a bloody ,with a single frame edge ,walking and said .
Yang Yan also had a surprised, hurried to a single frame side ,see Zhang Weitang in a single frame ,closed my eyes, look pale ,in the left lower abdomen ,inserting a broken blade ,also do not know how deep into the meat .
1. But the chest undulation ,apparently has not expired .relationresultYang Yan alsobe frightened and change color ,Zhang Wei would be equal to his disciples ,that he first battle was so hurt ,cheap dr dre beats.
Busy when the single frame ,said: prestige ,how are you ? , relationresultThenhear someone gently : Yang Shuai, let us come . , relationresultYang Yanlooked back ,saw blade Muxue with two women ,holding gauze saline and other objects, is standing behind him .
Ye Muxue gently pulled Yang Yan ,said: let them give prestige to dressing . , relationresultYang Yan nodded,it makes to the side .The two women went to the single stand near it from Zhang Wei ,pull out the broken blade ,and then give him wash Qing wound, medical dressing .
While this may work, Qi Dazhu finally told Yang Yan ,Zhang Wei is injured by .relationresultIn fact,Zhang Wei is supposed to be all right ,he and Qi Dazhu of this battle group is very tough, cooperate with each other continuously killed nearly 100 she Mingjin army .
But Zhang Wei is the debut ,at another living screaming face ,twisted fall on his sword ,although killed is the enemy, but the heart is not from the soft a lot .relationresultWhen Zhang Weicut a Jinbing chest cut open ,flesh and blood flying in all directions ,over Zhang Wei .
But in a long war ,Zhang Wei also a bit too ,this knife degree is insufficient, also not the Jinbing hacked .When he made and want to cut a knife when, see the Jinbing face painful Related articles:

