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Fishy wind horizontal rack for incoming axe .relationresultWhen Bang axe rod collided with a loud report ;porcupine chief felt hand sink ,and their enemy was more on the force .
Bless the sacrifice .He secure to rely on ,in the hands of an iron rod ,a rack with burning silver white Yan Tomahawk slowly up .relationresultAt this time,a shadowy figure rapid hit the dog sweep back .
This group of black image is a meteor man on his back ;the porcupine armor struck a ,to spread big hole shape ;life of the nail at the dog sweep back .relationresultIndescribablepain came, porcupine chief hand temporarily lost power .
Bloody wind was Tomahawk back down .relationresultThe figureis just a BOT ,left-handed throw a flying axe handle broken .Seeing the sergeant flying axe has created such a good advantage .
One side of the broad Hull steps up to the hands of the meteor hammer ,the law on the array ;flash of white light, the hard hit in a scan head .relationresultThe huge impactforce makes the porcupine dropped to the ground .
Helmet split all a hideous mess ;exposing the underlying badly mutilated head .relationresultBreakinto the point of canine tribal leader, was also not dead .He gave a as the wild boar howled ,up from the earth to climb up, side and mouth while muttering incantations ;until he completely when standing up .
The bloody hands of the wind has been a dark green ,densely as essence .Light of the parcel .relationresultBOTto see this scene, he thought to himself: not good !He then vacated ,the running dog sweep ;see the orcs Sergeant volley drop ,my left hand punches in the porcupine man ;a touch a dull thud .
relationresultThe red and whiteof the BOT a body splash , relationresultHowever,even then it is too late !At the last moment ,a sweep or will be in the hands of the bloody wind forward swing out ;rod dense green energy ,in the air condenses into a group ;to not far to the black copper Sergeant :Kanduobi hundred team Sergeant West more .
relationresultPorcupinechief before dying, a magic is ;Death Coil ;this is the magic quite vicious one ,this spell once a body ,direct decomposition of the energy of your life .If they can not effectively prevent ,who is in mortal .
relationresultSeeing thesubordinate in the Jedi ,Talbot felt colic, turned around and don .The rest of the black copper Sergeant are shouting out the sound to remind friends ;but this reminder of what use is ,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com.
relationresultInrenshia much feel ,in this time .relationresultAlteration ofsteep rise ;in early death left when winding rod of iron teeth from behind ,and pulled a lever ;crystal texture of javelin .
To fly in the sky of dark green energy ball to throw out ;the javelin just into the air ,into a transparent with high speed vibration energy .relationresultDeath coilto contacts to the West much ,just by the transparent energy hit ;followed by dark green energy also followed up with vibration ,and vibration ;quickly become transparent .
Such encounters Asia many times ;fatal death coil ,has become a gentle breeze .relationresultTake escape from deathblack copper sergeant, half-day can slow God ;finally the mystery :BOT puncture a fallacy with one remark purification gun !!Teeth with you just use is to purify the gun !?? , relationresultBesuperior to question the teeth with an awkward smile : you can really make fun of ,purification of the gun but St.
casino Empire artifact .How could I have it ?I just used is an artifact of the evolution of gun .Only with purification magic effect !It is in my father army to send a gift ;it can use three times, just is the last time ,cheap beats by dre! Answer ranking non-commissioned officer ,was immediately head over the West more firmly in the arms of her mouth open ,the latter does not stop shouted: brother ,you saved my life !This is the second time !This is the second time to save my life !My guy.
, relationresultBOTsmiled and looked, huddle up subordinates .Pace to dog sweep the headless beside the body ,bent down and picked up the handle naming of :bloody wind !relationresultMoment;he put his booty up to the sky, and voice direct shock roller : victory !!!! , relationresultNot far fromhundreds of ORC warrior ,beats by dre uk,had been waiting for superior to do so, they quickly in unison, said: the victory !!!Hooray.
Victory !!!!Hooray. Resounding slogan ,for a long time ever .relationresultSurrounded bykneeling on the ground floor of the prisoners ,who was Emperor * * this wild approach frightened ,they deeply lowered her head, dare not see these tough warriors .
relationresultPurification of thegun is an artifact ;the so-called artifact is very powerful magical items ;the continent may be called an artifact spell of not more than ten pieces of equipment .
Purification of the gun is one of them ;the handle of lance has been strongest casino Empire Holy paladin weapon .Legend has it that the amazing power ;most people indulge in elaborating on ;it is a quality high blessing holy priest himself carving of the purification method array .
No matter who held this handle pike ,can use the above purification operation ;purification in order the following magic .relationresult. relationresultThe seventy-six chapter armor , relationresultSo when theteeth and throw the javelin purification death coil when the bot will be mistaken ;purification gun .
In fact ;teeth with takes is a handle seal a spiritualization crystal javelin .relationresultOf course,this is not a general of the javelin ;light is able to purify the magic ,this effect .
Is enough to make it become a city without a price of goods in great demand .And because of this the javelin and the purification of the gun are similar ,so people used the javelin :pseudo purification gun .
relationresultIs the nightrelationresultBOTsat in the canine tribe head staring at the hands of booty :bloody wind .This disease in the black with a red iron staff ,from the model is consistent with the sergeant aesthetic ;huge rod head without carving works ,that it should be used when in casting ,die flip out; this is a very good technology goblin .
And the rod body relief also belongs to the goblin foundry ,like to use decorative style .relationresultSkeletonpattern as the pattern ,it is hundred years before the popular .But it and bloody wind blessing spell schools very in tune .
This is a rare quality ;magic ;weapons is the most rare .Blessings three magic is more rare .Blessings three very practical magic is so rare .relationresultTo tell the truth;if not the captain asked the iron rod ,BOT, regardless of how will make it .
To know ;to excellent equipment and pursue careers ,were all fighters .relationresultReport the door pier child shouts ,interrupted Sergeant appreciation ;he opening should be: ! , relationresultBe and went into the orderlies quickly came to BOT table .
A low voice: !All porcupines are in accordance with your request ;slaughter finished !From them to a variety of equipment of ;is now finishing .Multiple master sergeant West in check enemy weapons library ;unexpectedly discovered a very unique style .
He asked me to give you ! Said pier child will hand holding a suitcase opens ,from the inside out of a black heavy helmet ;neatly on the table in front of the table bot .relationresultThe armormodeling is special ;it throughout the ventral portion of the shape is like a root ;abnormal large metal belt .
The median is the belt disc ,hold the whole abdomen .On both sides of the waist and the back is banded armor shield .relationresultFlatchest near the shoulder position, with six dark red as blood spar .
relationresultArm alarge portion of the arm ;a three protrusion corrugated .A small arm of each two carved vertical like Rune as text .relationresultThefield with two sides of debugging landing barb . Related articles:

