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A full-scale attack !Mankind attack !relationresultThink of these.BOT head not only a layer of cold sweat oozes .Previously only a few countries union .Empire can cope with .But .It is all human national alliance .
Apart from Robbie ,St. Casino Titan alliance ,these countries do not say .There are :Pound ,Virginia ,listed Weilute ,savage to thunder kingdom .Mountain man Chhill states .The sea people to the Empire of Nord .
These also are only human well-known power .Remaining small and medium-sized countries although mostly these powers in genus .But add up to strength also nots allow small concept .relationresultSergeanthad to first with suspicion :who would have thought the stars Union there is such to appeal .
Originally .If points to words .Imperial power .I also add up to several human power is stronger .But now .......Divided and weakened .Combined force strong ground truth .It is the eternal land !relationresultBotcan had seen a Book Shangdi saying: if human eliminate selfishness .
Unity and cooperation of words .They will not in any way !relationresultI feel your soul appeared very strongly fluctuating .How. Fear or dread? , relationresultCome unexpectedlyproblem .
Let sergeant from the deep thought of return to god .He asked to see admiral .For a long time before replied: this alliance is too strong ,beats dr dre.If coupled with Robbie appearance spell armored infantry .
The empire is no defense , relationresultWhat you say is right !But .There is no defense is not whether we should consider .relationresultTheTrade Unions Federation has not officially established: between humans grudges not shallow ,take them to the stars.
The barbarian the opinions of the trade union is not a tiny bit ,sea people Nord empire is entirely by Rob Robbie union ocean caravan to be established ,the Titan itself from column to Virginia .
There are more similar .I would not have one one lists .relationresultSo.The union can with appeal and strength and some other things ,establish human joint less time to complete .relationresultThe Empirehad never used the undead group and the undead group whole to amount of Lun fort .
For the deep pulling the complete final evolution .To top all the accused continent ,with these forces as soon as possible to solve the Robbie coalition in the frontal lueneburg blockade .
In the human alliance established in the former for a brief respite . , relationresultNigelis not good but bot to restore calm .Orc unconsciously nodded subconsciously said: on ,empire or some secret power .
And we had the bright sea allies .Not will be lost .... , relationresultSergeantbefore he had finished speaking, the admiral that dry voice rang : more than !BOT ,the power of the Empire more than just these .
Or, will more than these , relationresultBOTsome what ,he quickly calmed down ,look at Nigel with a heavy question .relationresultTheshow will be very satisfied ,he faces behind his mouth up, said : OK ,let start from the beginning .
relationresultRemember when Ilead you to the demon grave out gold magic book ?It has been in the gloom of the tower ,I and my group study .relationresultThemagic book is fully deserve the treasures ,the above record all of chaos magic spells ,three series have all .
It makes us very excited ,want to know if it will be lost for a long time of chaos magic to what kind of force !The bulk of the chaos sorcerer !Finish your majesty ambition is not difficult .
relationresultUnfortunately,get the opposite of what one wants ,with the in-depth study ,we find that chaos magic can hardly be continental race to learn and use ,if can also impossible quantities of cultivation of master .
Specific reason :with the ancient race of special physique !relationresultThis isa great blow ,which means that the magic book lost much of its significance ,but I people to give up halfway ,so the chief sorcerer adult support in the dark ,I continue to study .
relationresultAfter a long time ofhard work and master Barkis ,finally a breakthrough .And it is great breakthrough :we change train of thought ,do not blindly to the revival of chaos magic .
But aimed at the chaos magic in derivative strains and fusion spells started studying ,dr dre beats.The best start :just want to try to create any powerful battle beast .relationresultHowever,the Necromancers after joining ,we found more interesting East , relationresultWetake the battle beast known as the monster soul ,use of the magic away .
Then use the chaos magic in the fusion theory and technology, and it is a soldier soul fusion ,then this monster excellent organs and limbs with derivative line technology ,theory transplant soldier .
Then a series of miscellaneous magic operation to improve .relationresultFinally,a miracle was born :the soldier is like using a derivative of the magic ,can freely use the members of the body .
Even with the monster traits : complete breath .relationresultYou know what this means?We create the new warriors ,with monster limbs and organs warrior .I said a little direct :if a soldier and a Moonkin completed soul fusion and limb derivative .
He fought in the only pronouncing ,he tattooed with a large number of runes can let him finish a morph ,morph with form change :the soldier can save their fighting qualities based on ,then has a Moonkin all physical quality and Moonkin throwing talent .
He suddenly can jump on the mountain ,effortless empty-handed can shred the enemy .Any throwing weapon in his hands will be shot !This is fusion Moonkin effects .relationresultIf he doesnfusion Moonkin but fusion a cow :he will have a perfect defense and great power ,and this life magic : choking smoke .
The combat effectiveness of the upgrade is simply cannot measure , relationresultNigeldetailed analysis and examples of the narrative ,thorough Jeanbot understood what is so powerful ,he was fascinated as said: if it and the dragon soul fusion ,derivative the dragon limbs and organs ,that is it right? If it has a giant dragon fighting force , relationresultNot have the Dragon fighting force :the Dragon fighting force is added .
If I can be like you said ,it is had than the dragon also strong fighting strength ! , relationresultAdmiralwords made Sergeant appeared the Empire not invincible !Of all the soldiers used this technique ,even killing his magic is also be an easy job to do , relationresultbut ,not possible for all soldiers using this technique ,the soul of each person is different, some people bear strong will and senior monster soul fusion .
Some people suffer weak his soul can not afford any fusion .relationresultHowever,according to our test and estimation ,di * * can complete the fusion ratio is the ratio of ten to one .That is to say ten soldiers in order to have a human soul can accept the technology .
The more often the strong warrior more accepting of advanced soul fusion .However, we find for a long time ,the most perfect the best soul also can only accept the Pit Lord this level of monster soul .
We call this class four .relationresultYou said thedragon soul is higher ,it is fifth . , relationresultOne-tenth?It can also have tens of thousands of soldiers .This is enough to .relationresultFusion success rate is very low ,even if is the soul of the right ,the likelihood of failure is quite large, and in the event of failure ,the warrior soul will explode .
He would have no room for the death ,even the death of soul ! , relationresultBOTstared blankly once ,said : the soul away ?Is it not ..relationresultYes,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com, I know what you think ?It is what Related articles:

