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Arrive a sofa side to sit down.
In fact Shi Lan such as also fired away a telephone, accepted line, delight the ground looking at leaf Wan:"Harm?"
"Like, bureau chief Shi."
"H'm, the recent matters are also few, you still just the homes take a few days off more!"
Leaf Wan fiercely stood:"Bureau chief Shi, I have already completely resumed normal, don't need to be taken a rest."
"Like, endlessly interest endlessly interest, sit down!"Shi Lan starts such as the station and began to pour one glass water for leaf Wan in person and passed in the in front.
"Leaf Wan shouts, luckily you, also have the country Anne and the comrade of special kind brigade, this just promised that the case tells to break successfully."
"Bureau chief Shi, we only carried out to protect a task, the business of case was still your achievement,Facebook, and we don't dare to be greedy for an achievement."
If Shi Lan smiled:"Leave when and so?I tell you, Lee not of matter, I sought to thank a bureau chief to say in person, he promises not to pursue, the martial general of special kind big brigade, I also made a phone call to once advise, he hasn't cooled down.I know you with him relate to well, you are free to say, really don't go, my draw down this face seeks him in person!"
"Bureau chief Shi, that I generation Lee don't thank you."Ye Wan thought for a while, and then looking at Shi Lan such as, the facial expression pours have a little Mian Tian.
"What rubbish say!"Shi Lan if set up for angry appearance, clapped a leaf Wan slap.
"That …bureau chief Shi, I want to see a whole friendses, can?"
"Whole friendses piece?"Shi Lan if smile:"How?Fear your kid anxious angered you?"
Leaf Wan is red face to dare not utter a word.If Shi Lan smiled several voices, explanation way:"Whole friendses piece now already at white ditch farm, according to stipulating to allow to visit.You this identity …BE not a problem either, I hear that his body isn't so good, really has to be true, that does medical parole for him!"
The leaf Wan pleased hopes an outside, Shi Lan such as of words sound how may he not understand?Although have a little a private suspicion with the tactics, after all leaf Wan isn't a sage.And he from and Wu Yang Mei more and more elephant little two people, bad cohabit, on the other hand he feels happy, on the other hand again repress don't live of miss Zhang Jian.Can get out whole friendses piece, the nature is a 1-day-old good matter.
The leaf Wan leave-taking goes out, step again lightly again quick, mood nature is also best, take Shi Lan in hand if criticize especially of visit permit, hating can not fly right away to white ditch.
"Leaf Wan!"Wu Yang Mei stands on the down stairs and beat a pair of floret umbrella, is lifting up head.
"Eyebrow eyebrow!"Leaf the Wan in the mind is happy, once the hand pressed the railing to jump down from the third floors, "Dong" of a straightly jump in Wu Yang Mei's in front.
"You …mental derangement, so high!"Wu Yang Mei got a fright, the half squatted down body to crumple leaf Wan's leg and checked along while to just let go of heart.One title sees leaf Wan being staring at own chest, small face a red, the Wan lived leaf Wan's arm:"Feed, am I good-looking today?"
Leaf Wan just is color heart greatly rise, also really had never noticed Wu Yang Mei wear what, hear this words, stopped a step conjecture.
Wu Yang Mei is dressed in a goose yellow to clip the skirt of pink floral pattern, the skirt hasn't covered a knee, 1 pair again long and then beautiful leg well display come out.
Wu Yang Mei's shape good, the shoulder compares a general girl to want breadth and is dressed in skirt like this, really is clearly gorgeous can not square thing, again go together with a floret umbrella, pour really have a little daughter in the girls from prominent families, Hao door of meaning.
"H'm, quite good!"Leaf Wan in brief evaluated 1 and lifted long leg to walk.
"Do not go, don't want to say where good!"Wu Yang Mei wears so be let leaf Wan see of, which can literally how many words beat to deliver?The making track for of the Luo Mao Luo Mao of hating came.
, Also be dressed in high-heeled shoes?Leaf Wan turns head a to see, indeed as expected such.
Wu Yang Mei wears not to spoil high-heeled shoes and sees a leaf a Wan corner of mouth wearing a smile, immediately even walking all can't.
"Alas!" is a , Wu Yang Mei twisted feet, wrinkly the eyebrows sit on the turf-grass, the tiger wears a face not to utter a word.
"Ha ha, the eyebrow eyebrow is true today beautiful, with flower!"
This parable too bad customs, but Wu Yang Mei's eyes Be bright to get up, looking at leaf Wan to squatted down body, slightly crumpled the feet of holding oneself a while, a wave of sweet surge forward at heart.
"How again, grandmother Gu!"
"My mama makes you have a meal, I almost forgot!"
"Does your mama make me have a meal?"Leaf Wan shook to shake head, in this way how far once must, the along whiles are all not enough, oneself is besides still hasty to see a whole friendses.
"How, would not like to?"Wu Yang Mei's small brush again Shu get up, the tiger wears a face not happy.
"Would like to, how can would not like to, however this road is too far!"
"Xi Xi, you don't know, idiot, my daddy rose military district pair chief of staff in Peking now and returned and wear the job of special kind big brigade big captain, troops divide a set of villa, at west mountain, I am also yesterday just know."
So?West mountain return six hour, greatly not all of the this day discarded and one day later went to white ditch!

Volume 3 sharp knife a sheath 116 kiss most romantically
Renew time:2009-3-919:11:04 chapter word numbers:3322

Read beard to know:Lights continuously for two days defended Xun on duty in the unit don't return, this edition, include delivered yesterday of, the imperfection is an important contents.Modify a version in the lights home.Deliver first today, tomorrow go home behind again modify.
Please a reader attention, the modification version that can note from the lights tomorrow start re- reading, thanks!
(We these are already four class early warnings, yesterday didn't take a shower and hurtled with cold water in the unit toilet this morning under.Today can not also wash, the lights feels huge to have a man now of flavor.)
Mao Mao!
Or old words, recommend to throw a new book, thanks!
Leaf Wan drive an American tiger sports car and got Wu Yang Mei to arrive international trade shopping.
The international trade mansion hangs up lanterns and festoons, a lot of people round one performance set and outside hang a big horizontal:Sincerely love your ―― Peking to face Olympic Games lovers to kiss a big match
Wu Yang Mei smiles happily ground to bite leaf Wan's ear:"Husband, let's take part in a game!"
"Simultaneously go, crazy wench, have never disgraced have no Sao of!Kiss where let person see, also clap to record image?"
"Hum, old feudalism, now all what society?"Wu Yang Mei very defies and looking at on the stage a rightness of loverses feel close become fascinated, Pie Pie mouth, the Wan wears leaf Wan's arm and enters a mansion.
Wu Yang's between the eyebrows painful leaf Wan spends money and followed behind to suffer indignities a pack in the beginning, afterwards leaf Wan smiled happily ground to say:"My old father-in-law rises sharply and how say to must also congratulate for a while?"Wu Yang Mei this just disgraces red the face Wan wear active staff officer of leaf Wan to get up.
Result leaf Wan bought a lot of things and calculated to pour half is what Wu Yang Mei buys for leaf Wan, leaf Wan looking at Wu Yang Mei cheerful blunt the cuckoo bluntly robbing to pay by card, suddenly thinking of an item buys a pajama for himself or herself.At that time item the cuckoo is heartfelt happy and to him love to arrive inside of feelings, that"husband" who is sweet to sweetly smile, there is also that voice, such but the nature and man always separate.In the mind a sour, the ground of Zheng Zheng stops descend step, the eye socket is slowly wet to get up.
Wu Yang Mei paid by card and took a small ticket to turn head but didn't see leaf Wan, the Dian wears toe just see leaf Wan is standing to flow at the person in silent shed tears.
Wu Yang Mei frightens 3 also do 2 to run to leaf Wan front of, a hold tight leaf Wan's hand to ask way:"Husband, what's the matter with you?"
Leaf Wan returns to absolute being and looking at the circumferential person points a point to he or she, cool on smiling, hugged Wu Yang Mei.
So good woman, I still before looking forward attend to behind?She handed over to the body and the heartses all I, I but not cold to her not hot?
Leaf Wan really wants to heavily take out his/her own several palms, suddenly ambition together, malicious copy Wu Yang Mei's waist, embraced her face to heavily keep on kissing.
Wu Yang Mei is suddenly assaulted to make by leaf Wan and is confused and is unwell, passively open, leaf Wan's tongue is malicious to stretch to come in, gruffly tied up own fragrant tongue, and the gradually martial Yang eyebrow shut eyes and disgraced to get red in the face son and slowly returned to kiss.
The person of surroundings summons up Zhang, someone blows to have whistle, also someone is big great especially great:"This is the best to kiss Related articles:

