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To touch his wounds, while the original attack to another dark shadow purple eyes peer died in violet ,didn attack weak state of mind or feeling this attack leaves Yinzhu opportunity better, peer death did not make him any mood swings ,Viper general black rapier ,give up will be back for his purple ,with a sweet smell to smell leaf Yinzhu heart .
Don ,in this fine sword above is also attached with poison .relationresultThe heart and the brain,is absolutely the most lethal two places .Brain and skull protection ,relatively dense ,while the heart is more fragile .
As a great and cool killer ,the heart is usually their first choice .relationresultAfter seeingeach other .The rapier ,leaf Yinzhu spirit now play a very important role ,although vindictive consumption seriously, then again forcefully after bowel injury made him the body meridians more pain ,but now his brain has in mind guardian with the help of abnormal calm .
A powerful spiritual force so that he can easily grasp to the front of this war in every detail ,see the black rapier as phantom general stabs himself ,he immediately tell the other narrow sword to azimuth .
relationresultThe first set of piano wizard eighty-third chapters change Phoenix black Lily ( in) , relationresultThe Buddha isunconscious ,leaf Yinzhu raised his hands flying waterfall renju organ ,like the narrow sword .
* * * Bookstore , relationresultCold lightfrom dark eye ,a wooden Guqin is to stop me wan foot grudge puncture attack ?This and the Dutch act no different .relationresultIndeed,the waterfall renju Qin is an artifact of the guqin ,but its power is shown in the sound aspect, its quality is still made of wood .
But one thing that attack leaves Yinzhu shadow did not know ,carried off the waterfall or organ ,leaf Yinzhu to do is Dutch act .relationresultThe blacknarrow sword ,in a companion to a heap of Amethyst powder blowing in the wind at the same time ,come up Ye Yinzhu before them ,even with the Guqin shelter ,he believed in their own strength still can easily pierce Guqin directly hit the leaves Yinzhu heart .
But just at that moment ,leaf Yinzhu but made a makes him extremely surprised action ,hold the waterfall renju piano hand suddenly let go ,let the Guqin downward fall ,while Ye Yinzhu also occur naturally in the narrow sword .
* * * Bookstore , relationresultThissupremely one time ,who could not make the thinking and judgment ,to say the least ,even if the brain can think ,could not make any response .Reaction of human body is a limit .
Therefore ,the black narrow sword ,full of puncture, with blue high order of magnitude grudge narrow sword ,then stabbed the leaf Yinzhu heart position .relationresultItis a powerful killer ,this sword, no deviation .
However ,he saw that it was leaf tone embroidered smile ,warm and full of murderous smile .relationresultLANrenju Qin did not stop his narrow sword ,and so the leaf Yinzhu released waterfall renju piano let it into free fall down fall .
It is open and not recover the space ring ,because he didn element wave wake opponent .Ye Yinzhu smile became cold ,he must tell her this shadow ,not all of the organ could not stop the handle with puncture force narrow sword .
relationresultYe Yinzhuis very fierce ,the dexterity and magic hands can make all rhyme at the fingertip .However ,his hand is not his best place .relationresultYe Yinzhupower is very strong ,powerful spiritual brand even included a grade ten and grade ten Amethyst Beamon gold of ban in soul ,even including a silver dragon soul attachment .
However ,his spiritual brand is not his strongest point .relationresultYe Yinzhuis the strongest ?Is the heart ,love the heart of fusion .relationresultEven if it isto be able to use Thor hammer Goody ,could not let their body with Thor hammer fusion ,but Ye Yinzhu did .
So ,although he can bird grade wood on piano ,however ,his heart is equivalent to this piece of music is in the presence of .relationresultLoveis the dignity not profane ,black narrow sword ,piercing the heart of Ye Yinzhu ,through his skin .
More precisely ,is stabbed his heart on the tattoo .The next moment ,a dazzling colorful light that from leaves Yinzhu heart position gushing out .relationresultShadowassassin that indescribable feeling, hands like narrow sword stabbed the world hardest things ,than his prick to strong double reverse force suddenly makes his right arm inch fracture ,and the narrow sword ,have in the colorful colorful light to fly ash .
relationresultWhitelight ,soft and light ,the sword disappeared at the same time, the same is a narrow sword ,but full of gentle breath of white ,light ,Beats By Dr Dre Studio,accurate ,through the sword master heart .
Tiptoe light hook has been took his waterfall renju piano .relationresultIt is almostinstantaneous changes ,from the leaf Yinzhu was purple summoned to the front, until two blue high order Assassin death ,has just a few breaths time .
When Eto the other two shadows arrived, they saw only the Amethyst powder and from Roanoke and sword slowly slide companion .relationresultEto ,evil spirit seems to be burning ,he then now ,own or underestimated the strength of two men .
If ,if in the beginning with a full ,the two companions never die .No one knew better than he. The two shadows represent what is .Even if they have a little injury ,they can responsibility !Only Eto himself the most clear ,in his side of the five ,the weakest is actually his leadership .
relationresultAngertrades is crazy , -- Eto -- angry ,very angry but did not make him to lose the reason, with a tremendous roar ,he on the body suddenly stopped ,but in time, his side of the shadow is changed .
relationresultAblack mist ,into a ribbon shape from behind them to spread ,the blink of an eye has been extended to the length of ten meters ,covering the road ,like countless generous tentacle behind swinging like, including a grudge ,they all this , relationresultThemost pure black .
Long and sweet singing sound lark I bring ethereal beauty .But in the sense of beauty ,is full of chill and dead .relationresultI sawthe sudden changes ,are preparing to attack them purple was stupefied, and behind him were the nock and sword to support the body of Ye Yinzhu was also shocked .
relationresultThe sceneis so familiar with ,especially the skylarks singing sound ,make them more from the heart .relationresultWhy?Why is this chanting will appear here ?Ye Yinzhu brain has emerged a huge question mark .
But in time, the two black shadow behind the release of black ribbon energy condensation moment, enormous wings from the back stretch, all angry at this moment disappeared ,their body is completely encased in the black energy atmosphere, two to include the whole street black air ,like clouds in general ,suddenly toward the leaf Yinzhu and purple direction is swept across and come .
At that moment ,they feel ,the two shadows force is no longer being blue high order of magnitude limit .relationresultSura.The name at the same time in purple and leaves Yinzhu flashed ,the two shadows and the ability to manifest ,not positive and Sura face gracis finally burst like ?But ,they in turn out to a pair of black wings ,does not seem to have improved so much strength Sura .
Phoenix ,Eto called out the Phoenix had two characters ,black chicken ,is the embodiment of the Dark Phoenix ?Are these the attacks themselves and purple shadow is not human ,but the legendary beast Phoenix ?However, not only the legendary Phoenix ?How to get dark Phoenix ?relationresultPurple . Related articles:

