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Line prohibited racial war king ,as long as no opening ,they even full died at the front will never regret step ,when Ouyang left them Tianhe small world ,Ouyang has not come back ,no matter how many people to ask ,ethnic war never leave a step !relationresultWar familynumber actually and millions more ,and Ouyang referred to the millions of ethnic war is actually said the strong ethnic war ,during war family ,only the force reached a level are eligible to be called war family ,while others even if the flow with war family bloodline ,cannot be called as the battle group ,general war family will be such person for Hou s !relationresultEachone can be called ethnic war soldier heart ,Ouyang is their only gods ,the gods if not open ,they will never step back ,so Ouyang doesn think anyone can make ethnic war against his command .
relationresultBut ifthat person is a Hou Luan would not necessarily !It is a battle group Ouyang will not necessarily be able to recognize ,and Hou s quantity are more numerous ,the Hou Luan in war family in strength is very general ,even become war family have no chance ,but they are outside but absolutely is strong .
relationresultDo not say anything else,if you find a good Hou Luan ,sweeping the Wei family can still do it .relationresultTell that what Wang ,we wanted to see the war family !And kill him ! Ouyang spoken almost is sentenced the fate .
relationresultWhether heis it right? War family ,he is dead !If he is not war family ,the best ,most he is strangled only, still die happy, if he is an ethnic war, Ouyang won kill him ,will let him back into the battle group took dial soul !relationresultDialsoul punishment ,in war family that is a betrayal of ethnic war against Lord ,faith betrayed will appear the penalty, the penalty is extremely painful ,stiffly will a person from the body being stripped out, and then leave your will ,let you see your soul in an animal body, in the you about to crash when erase your mind, let your soul never degenerated into a beast !relationresultSuch punishmentmay sound not so cruel ,but ethnic war is a believer in fight king of racial ,ethnic war is not afraid of death ,because every died war family will get the king escort ,beats by dre studio,the king will escort his soul into samsara corridor ,let the world once again in the battle group !This also is a kind of cheating type circular form ,but once it was executed shifting soul punishment ,then life will not become man ,will always be a beast .
.. ... , relationresultGood ... ... Wei Zhongxing knows ,this time the Royal finished, if the trouble ,is looking for the other strong, so most is the Wei Bingyi kill will end, but this time the Royal was known as they get war family help .
relationresultBut thearrow of God Ouyang now in the Wei ,the arrow of God by another name is lord !In this war the king ,you should say war family will help you ?This is equivalent to a direct provocation of war king Zai Zhan family in majesty ,this provocative is absolutely unforgivable !relationresultBanquet hall,Wang Fen looked at the city of Mingxi he now all eyes were on him ,he expressed himself very much ,but he did not show ,these characters to see his eyes like a dead man .
relationresultWang Fen a man feel wrong ,he gently pulled by an acquaintance asked : Liu Xiong, what is the problem ? , relationresultNo ... ... No. The old man Wang Tianming with Liu Xiong is good, but this time the Royal as a pile of shit ,who with who will make a stink !Liu Xiong is very clear ,from the king family says he got war family help the moment, their royal .
relationresultLiu Xiongthis time will not have the slightest talkative ,otherwise once involved himself ,that he will die .relationresultThis is not a smallfamily small sectarian horsing around ,this time to touch is a great race ,known as the best in all the land of fighting a war family !relationresultLao Wang ,you really know war family man ? Liu Xiong also wanted to check ,if this Wang Tianming is just the kick up a cloud of dust ,and perhaps he will leave a life .
relationresultOf course ,the war family strong man is our heads in front of understanding, you can the war family strong so strong ,we have reached the Fairy Statue heads ,but no answer for the seniors ! Wang Tianming is still the brag ,but if Ouyang here will be a direct insult to him !relationresultAFairy Statue also match with the real battle group compare? Millions of ethnic war Ouyang closed eyes took a piece of brick casual shoot one can defeat yourself right now ,and his even more weak ,much better than the immortal statue .
relationresultOh.Liu Xiong nodded and subsequently to Wang Tianming shook his head : I feel shy to Wang ,there is something ,while chatting ... ... For a while ... ... When Liu Xiong left is Wei Zhongxing took people return here when .
relationresultAt this time Wei Zhongxingis very confident ,and kings in their home ,while the other side also be devoid of any sense of shame that a war family for help ?This is the * * you have a death wish !relationresultThe 288th chapter ethnic war ?Come to kill !relationresultHow, ZTE dear ,is it right? Consider ? , relationresultThe old manWang Tianming watched Wei Zhongxing back ,again put the superior appearance, now Lord swept the world ,ethnic war is fought as retreat, this time who dare to disobey ethnic war ?relationresultI asked the master of the house ,the master of the house let me tell the royal !Let the battle group come on ,come on to you miss ! Wei Zhongxing is completely to put Ouyang repeated .
relationresultButthe Wang family was distracted ,especially Wang Tianming ,Wang Tianming can at some angry : dear Wei Zhongxing ,this is not you nonsense ,you or him quickly in your family ,or call your entire Wei Jiadou suffer !Now we have the sincerity to .
.. ... The old man has just said to you ,you hear the distant came a voice : we saw your sincerity !So you have to leave people go ! , this is Ouyang ,this time with various royal dowry to ,since arrived, Ouyang did not intend them to pull back ,so it has to leave people go discourse .
relationresultWang Tianming did notknow what Ouyang meant to him ,each other ,leaving the dowry, this seems to be to be !He roared out : the little brother ... ... Wang Tianming said ,the words just half ,he felt his face in pain ,then a red blood from his face Biao flew out .
relationresultThis slapis a dream chic hit ,which can not only play slap it is single ,the face almost as dig !It directly to the Pharaoh Zuo Banbian face flesh to pull down half ,Wang left half face has a pulpy pulpy .
.. ... , relationresultAh ... ... He heard a scream, then clutching his cheek ,his face angrily at dream hee ,he knows ,the Wei family ,is actually the woman said to calculate and counted ,the woman than to the high number of his family .
relationresultis your name !What the hell are you !Quickly making your home what war family rolled by the death of Wei Jialai ! Dream day ,now emboldened enough ,there is Ouyang here ,best not to battle group ,that is to die !relationresultGood !Good .
.. ... You Wei kind ! Wang ,also know today was not possible in the Wei family cheap please ,he to look in the presence of the people ,and then with the Royal people turned away !relationresultI hope you say is true the best you can bring me an ethnic war, otherwise I will bleed you wang . Related articles:

