
beats by dre studio lament it is a tr

I opened a like field the same thing, then a split in the field above actually lost .But when this curse disappeared when Ouyang clearly felt that is real .relationresultWhilewhite people behind those words also let Ouyang seems to smell something .
But Ouyang did not put it out .relationresultBig brother you also Europe Che-hung flew in from outside ,see elder brother sit there like a snow looked unhappy : now the whole clan has gone crazy ,you are here in the snow ,so you know that a secret tunnel to you is probably the only hope the .
, relationresultBrother ,I have taught you many times ,at any time, whether it is the face of hope or the face of despair ,to maintain a normal heart ,you want to cry Ouyang glanced at his brother ,probably at the moment the whole Europe most patient is Ouyang .
This is not to say that Ouyang does not care about ,is mainly Ouyang than other people to see clearly ,Ouyang knows it is not he can about ,he even went to Grandpa said he wanted to go to the secret cave ,eventually won go to .
relationresultGrandpa Ouyang Xiangxinhearts would have a judgment ,but they can do is wait, and wait for the results .relationresultnow, it is the opposition, big brother is not afraid of the sound around grandpa the final judgment .
Europe Che-hung will be outside in the case of simple introduction about with Ouyang .relationresultA secret cave is just some opportunity does not necessarily as I - changes the life ,if I go to Grandpa ,is my good fortune ,if not let me go ,that I had the good fortune, so simple Ouyang looked up already getting dark days ,then the brother said : big brother here to eat in the evening ,beats by dre studio.
, relationresultThe 383rd chapter day outside sky , relationresultThe 383rd chapterday outside sky , relationresultOuyangdinner is very simple ,even a little shabby .But Ouyang never asked for this ,after all, Ouyang himself is very clear ,he grew up in the use of family resources ,but never in return for the family ,so Ouyang also learned not to ask for anything ,everything comes naturally .
relationresultEurope Che-hungis naturally know brother character ,so the brother he never pick and choose .He was brother to the sad .relationresultHong Son, brother had a kind of feeling ,maybe I just entered a secret hole may live ten years .
Ouyang head once again with a smile of the white man .Ouyang the world down many times, but Ouyang never despair .But the moment in the face of the man when Ouyang was desperate ,yes ,that is the heart of despair .
relationresultThe strongcan really be transcended ?I am now this realm how to break ?Ouyang does not know, his heart lost .relationresultBig brother you nonsense ,this secret hole will be for big brother - changes the life to let him become a practitioner ,a certain Europe Che-hung eyes on big brother ,with a strong color .
relationresultClick to change lives ... ... Maybe ... ... Perhaps is one changes the life I could not have lived ten years ... ... Ouyang Yan with some confusion ,this is probably the first time that he is so confused .
relationresultOuyang ,this is I see you the first time in twenty years you can not see the confidence time ,tell me ,what is your courage and confidence is lost ? A voice from the sky like the shore came, then a figure walking through the night .
relationresultWhen you see thisfigure when Europe Che-hung rose quickly to salute, and Ouyang saw the old man in the eyes of the time also has some touch of color .No one is more clear ,the old man twenty years every hour and moment were watching him, perhaps the old man understand what .
relationresultHong you go back first ,I have something to talk to Ouyang. this is Ouyi right since Ouyang was born after the first work in just ways into the yard .The past twenty years ,he never saw Ouyang .
relationresultGrandpa ,you will be secret hole places give brother . Europe Che-hung did not leave ,but fell on his knees and looked at Ouyi right, hope Ouyi right to give Ouyang a chance to change the life of you .
relationresultI have decided ,you go back . Ouyi the right to see his grandson a glimpse of this ,did not say yes or no ,but let Europe Che-hung leave .relationresultEurope Che-hungkneeling on the ground ,look at the way Ouyi right to him is not going up to big brother ,he first disobedience to this family of anchor of the same character as .
relationresultHong Son, go away ,you can call the shots of the hole is not ,my mind naturally have a set number of Ouyang to Europe he waved ,Europe Che-hung reluctantly stood up ,gave Ouyang a he can understand the eyes ,then walked out of the small courtyard .
relationresultFor a time theyard was quiet ,except for the snowflake falls to the ground the faint voice ,the sun has no one to speak .relationresultYou ,at least you are my most outstanding children cognition .
Eventually Ouyi the right to speak .In fact, Ouyi right Ouyang together with the time actually strange found himself that sufficient presses the great gasp authority was useless ,on the contrary, in the body of Ouyang he even found a soul from the depths of this oppression oppression ,let him have to open this silence broken .
relationresultGrandpa, Josh, I am just a waste . Ouyang this saying very relaxed ,and no self feeling .relationresultDo you know why Grandpa will come here ? Ouyi right see ,his grandson with other grandsons are not the same, he always looked so offbeat ,although not practicing ,but Ouyi right but somewhere there is a feeling ,the grandson might not be his imagination so simple .
relationresultOuyi rightsaid from his arms and took out a gold kit ,the kit on exudes a faint light to see that not all things .relationresultYou were born, all the world together lightning lament ,it is a truth universally respect for the fallen .
And the day you were born ,but I found your soul is very strange ,and the body is deformed to the extreme .In many people you are a waste ,but I don think so .Because grandpa found to his soul actually cannot see through you practice the essence of soul ,you know what this means ? Ouyi right at Ouyang continued: it represents your soul strength far exceeding the grandfather .
, relationresultGrandpa talking and laughing . Ouyang apparently on his soul is not clear .After all, Ouyang Lian is a horse of mortals are not ,how can know the soul of this things .
relationresultI did not laugh ,for this thing I personally set foot on spirit mountain ,looking for the spirit mountain is too large to elders ,a person love him for you .A hexagram ,but this result has let me these twenty years are not dare to say out .
Ouyi right took one look at the hands of Staphylococcus kit ,obviously ,the golden yellow kit it was calculated the results of .relationresultYou want to know ? Ouyi right at his grandson will then tips to the front push to the front of Ouyang .
Ouyang with a somewhat curious will you take over, then slowly open the bag out of a yellow runes paper .relationresultWhenOuyang opened the Fu Wenzhi when they are watching his Rune paper .
It is no big secret ,this is a no word Rune paper .relationresultSuch anothing Fu Wenzhi is actually the spirit mountain too big elders was deduced .?If so, the need of elders is tragic . Related articles:

