
www.beats4monster.co.uk o a coma guy into

Chen Pinggenmonster natural looking into the villa area ,because I had once with Yue sinking fish meal ,so he here not unfamiliar ,purposeful villa ,villa around, a few different license models car has been parked nearby ,very obscure blocked all directions ,Chen Ping squinting ,see again, don and then with the old monster two approximation villa .
relationresultChen Pingwas in Yunnan ,once with a man named Li Jingjing learned to lock piece ,at least eight minutes duration ,to the villa big lock difficulty is big, but the static under heart to come ,not can not solve the problem ,he took out a mass with out Tie Si ,quietly on the door lock with ,at the same time listened inside voice ,five minutes ,the door there was a loud micro-ring ,behind the old monster look surprised ,stepped forward ,pushed Chen Ping ,be careful to open the door, and went in .
relationresultFollowed by Chen Ping.relationresultHallno one ,two to two floor ,finally in the master bedroom door to hear a sound .relationresultChen Pingenvisioned in bitches passion play ,bedroom ,only occasionally reported a dialogue voice ,both men ,Chen Ping identifies one is just met before long Yan Haiyun ,another is quite strange ,Chen Ping frowned ,to the old monster a wink ,old monster appreciate sb.
,pulled out gun ,winding, step back ,suddenly lifted his foot ,hurled to the front door .relationresultWith a bang.relationresultPure woodbedroom door was a kick out of .relationresultThe door,behoove one moment of silence .
relationresultChen Pinghesitated ,almost like the old monster at the same time .relationresultWithout forethought,shot to shot ,bossy domineering !relationresultThe roomis divided into a total of four individuals ,be quite distinct from each other two dial ,a pair of negotiating stance ,in which four people sitting on the side ,opposite Yan Haiyun ,Chen Pingchong came in four ,just in time to see a stunned flustered face .
relationresultHe thenopened fire ,together with the old monster .relationresultWithoutthe slightest hesitation .relationresultPeng ! , relationresultFiveperson ,suddenly fell in three ,Yan Haiyun was dead ,he the only one unscathed man too old monster gun pointed at your head .
relationresultChen ,what do you mean ?! , relationresultYan Haiyunslack after the suddenly come,www.beats4monster.co.uk, heavy sound ,voice muffled in anger ,apparently dead with repressed anger .relationresultChen Ping didnlook at him ,smiling face ,a brooding ,go to be old monster pointing the gun at the head of a front, breathing told me ,Yue Shen fish in? , relationresultTheinquirer was unyielding ,even his three companions all fell to the ground ,are not afraid of cold ,doesn !relationresultChen Pingexpression invariant ,sigh sentence to face shameless ,jerked her hand ,a butt severely hit each other on the head .
relationresultStrength full.relationresultSee the bloodon the spot .relationresultBeing questionedhis body suddenly down on the sofa ,have dizzy spells ,mydriasis with eyes .relationresultChen Pingzuo down,light says not? , relationresultEach othertightly clenched teeth ,silent not talking, Chen Ping also is not urgent ,gently pull his hair ,raised his gun ,squinting smile don I .
relationresultHavea blood man stared at Chen Ping ,look of hatred ,wouldn .relationresultChen Ping muzzlesuddenly fell ,shot ,hit in a man thigh bone ,he didn give cries of opportunities, and guns ,bullets and shot into his other leg .
relationresultThewaste !relationresultAgeat about thirty years old man drenched in cold sweat ,tightly clenched teeth ,quiver ,but death prop up not talking .relationresultIs really aman .relationresultBut Yan Haiyuncarry ,Chen Ping after the two gun ,did give the Jiangsu gangster stunning results ,he looked at the table of blood ,also do not sit again ,with a kneel down ,waved Chen Shao ,for his life .
relationresultChen Ping raisedeyebrow ,the Yan family elders level figure ,really wise .relationresult(ask the ticket !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!All awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) , relationresultChapter 341st :double green ( and red ) , relationresultThe 341st chapterrelationresultWas sentto Yan Haiyun approached the man really enough gas ,even if is interrupted by two legs ,also die teeth not to utter a single word ,but Yan Haiyun can not carry, do not care the man under the knee had gold claim ,knelt down and begged for mercy ,it picture ,Chen Ping sat on the sofa ,cross-legged ,looked strange ,asked softly you know Yue sinking fish in? Yan Haiyun pale shook his head ,saw Chen Ping expression is cold ,immediately offer oneself ,pointing to the leg broken .
Can I help Chen Shaowen out .WWW !relationresultChen Ping expression ofdisdain ,chuckled come on ,Mr. Yan Junjie so wrong ,as I work my horrible death ,today I don you ,back to you Yan Family in Nanjing ,says the Lord ,do not require honest part ,but the elbow also don to turn too wide ,on a bad the most annoying you mouth ,live together in peace together secretly Yin people don blink slag ,owe up stuff ,you can ,roll .
relationresultYan Haiyuncut out of the villa ,the head can not return ,in a cold sweat .relationresultChen Ping glanced atsitting on the sofa ,full leg blood man ,no nonsense ,direct phoned Bu Yixuan last ,laughs to you something for entertainment ,I have a hero ,mouth very hard ,see if you can help me from his pry something ,ideas difficult to handle ah ,dare to meet? , relationresultFearlessBu Yixuan was stupefied, hey hey laugh ah no problem ,this several day in twat belly Joseph tired, work just to me ,where are you ,I used to take delivery of the goods .
relationresultChen Pingsaid not smiling ,I personally give you marched past .relationresultChen Pingwith his legs blood man out of the villa ,throw him into the Queen in terms of a Toyota ,said is Rotorua Town ,the driver is a very young man ,Yasukyo Keita said that the sound is good, to give Chen Ping a cigarette ,start the car .
relationresultToyotato Rotorua town stop, Chen Ping outward look ,ten a.m. ,villa area figure is very few, in his view ,Rotorua town in real estate is a typical failure, the area is not small ,modelling is passable ,but is the most lethal before the period of publicity is not in place ,failed lift people ,led directly to the completion of the occupancy rate small pitiful ,now Jiangning district a on its advertising ,mountain water, what next ,almost no useful result as .
relationresultChen Pingalmost had lapsed into a coma guy into Bu Yixuan villa ,a direct throw him to the ground ,saying to you .relationresultBu Yixuaneyes shining ,pinching jaw watch lying on the ground with men, laugh line, the night before the things you want to ask out ,to this ,what the hero must recognize him ,come, make basin saline ,put this man wake ,while some are his enjoyment of great merit .
relationresultChen Pingyaoshook his head ,slowly up the stairs ,Bu Yixuan on extorting a confession by means of a series of far not violence can generalize to describe ,and an evaluation of the word ,what the fuck are thorough abnormal ah ,once Chen mood, threatened to accompany Bu Yixuan interrogation he was an enemy that guy is a diehard diehard ,slag ,Bu Yixuan exhaust means also not relenting ,finally ,master hard ,shouted to a trick ,Chen Ping look coldly from the sidelines at ,looking at the side play, the results to see half of rushed out ,and dare not go back ,still sick for several days ,to eat have no appetite .
relationresultHe went up the stairs,to the old monster made a cigarette ,smiled Wang Lao ,I went to sleep last night ,was a twat a summoning up to Dr. Sun Yat-sen ,fucking ,one night Related articles:

