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. relationresultWell, then the use of luck ! A minute later ,Xiao Huamo wiped sweat ,vertical new wear and equipment, ready to begin using the web transport operation .relationresultIn the brainand the use of luck after instruction ,a soft green light from the Xiao Hua body surface float, Xiao Hua immediately launched an attack toward the cactus !relationresultQueenin the sun with a bright white light ,five attacks on his cactus ,cactus head immediately started to hurt three red ,two purple crits !relationresultFive minutes later,Xiao Hua was evident on a very excited look !relationresultThe luck ,is really a good stuff ! Xiao Hua is very satisfied with the praise .
relationresultThe use ofluck ,not for a while, Xiao Hua was lucky attribute some impact on crit !Without the use of lucky prior to surgery ,he attacked five times in a day, will have one to two attacks occur crit ,but used a lucky postoperative ,every five attacks .
There must be two crit !Three times four is also occasionally appear ,it is a surprisingly high crit chance !relationresultAs for thedodge rate ,maximum attacks ,but also obviously improved, one is hit ,due to Xiao Hua own agile too high, even off the equipment ,it is still very difficult to perceive any change .
relationresultIn thetesting process, Xiao Hua has an unexpected discovery ,it is lucky for a poisoned skills are also has a very important role !relationresultHe is nowa poisoned the skill level is the expert level .
Weapon Ping after detoxification ,is hit the target jump probability seconds per second drop point rib ,but in the use of lucky postoperative ,target is almost ~ ed to minor damage ,poisoned skills if grade rises high ,lucky for assisted ,poison damage will be superimposed onto a grisly numerical !relationresultAt the completion of theJin order task, Xiao Hua also sent Wei experience will be able to rise to nail the level, but the character to .
Level ,game player can make a final occupation Jin order task !Xiao Hua is unable to hold oneself back to level up to level the field ,although now upgrade experience reduced somewhat, to rise to the level of cropland .
Still need some time ,not to mention but also with black this could upgrade .relationresultXiao Hua put theblack out ,luck tested, is time have a look on this guy has no Obsidian with .
relationresultRoar!relationresultBlackout ,it has big noises ,said it to come to this world .relationresultDon ,to ,for you to eat ! Last night, me and Nicole played for two or three time .
Hunger up many ,Xiao Hua read more than 10 pieces of blue with full lost to black .relationresultThe blackhorse rush past ,a piece of a piece of equipment in eating up .relationresultXiao Huacarefully look at black hunger degree change .
Found a blue dress for every black hunger landing point of .But when black hunger down to a point below .A piece of equipment becomes only two or three hunger .relationresultThe firstand more , relationresultThe 198th chapter Adventure Box , relationresultFactoryseveral falls ,a few will be black bin swallowed ,starvation reduced horizontal correction only ,brake mouth point .
He assumed a look of satisfaction .relationresultXiao Hua put theObsidian produced ,thrown into the black eyes .Black eyes ,then swooped past ,one will be a one-piece Obsidian swallowed !relationresultXiao Hua is stillwaiting for the black what changes in swallow up Black Obsidian ,did become a little ugly ,and then suddenly disappear in front of Xiao Hua ,his pet bar to go back .
relationresultXiao Hua sees this,she is startled .Look to the pet bar, Ann is pet bar at gray .Is temporarily not manipulated status ,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com.relationresultHey ,it is a function of ! To this, Xiao Hua is naturally not worry ,this is undoubtedly a good thing !relationresultLuckand little things .
Xiao Hua looked at the backpack ,backpack and half pack pharmacy and poison ,can the static under heart to come the beginning ,his series ,and some of the advanced game player .Difference is too big, do not hurry up, it up !relationresultAt theimmortal Lu pocket monster office practicing until night * * ,backpack poison depleted .
Xiao Hua is the home .relationresultCome back tosand city ,kite boron is to private chat, for he first transaction package large poison ,price nature is not cheap ,concave gold package ,is almost two times the grocery store .
relationresultIn thewarehouse and kite ... The transaction is completed ,Xiao Hua took the fate of coins out ,go to a deserted place, Nicole small ... Soon runs out of Xiao Hua ,accepted the fate of coins ,and be full of joy in the swiftly ran back to the pet bar to .
relationresultXiao Hua looked atNicole ... The look of happiness .Know she wants what the fate of coins ,shrugged ,toward the adventure of trade unions .relationresultAs the currentmost popular adventure game where the trade union .
Lively even than the free exchange and system guild hall ,building is tall extraordinary .Adventure within trade unions and system ,guild hall is very similar ,with a large number of various functions ,the hall of people are hurrying to and fro.
,good not lively, also fortunately these Di are more .Otherwise this efficiency even ten times faster than the real bank ,also do not know how to get round him for , relationresultThrough the crowdto a .
.. In front of .Xiao Hua looked out of several options ,see what is going on ,and referred to a note ,Xiao Hua was a bright eyes ,couldn !relationresultFrom... Hand holding a piece of paper ,registered as a formal name of 0 adventurers .
Xiao Hua began using a morion with blood exchange integral crystal adventure .relationresultXiao Hua whohas a total of morion fly concave ,blood crystal ugly evil ,surprised eyes ,changed the ugly mouth venture more integral .
relationresultThe next thingis very simple ,is the consumption upgrade points risk grade .From level 0 ,export integration ,2 edges 0 ,3 Dan ,and 4 ... ... 3 stage four ,6 stage four .
relationresultXiao Hua breathconsumed four points will adventure level rose to the level of consumption ,then Chiang rib adventure integral formed a venture group .relationresultXiao Huahas also left heart blood crystals ,which he read this note, specially to stay !This note is mentioned in the adventure game player ,when founding mission, right from another responsible for adventure together transactions with concave force morion or four blood crystal in exchange for a adventure treasure chest ,chest being able to open out the equipment and goods ,equipment minimum is epic ,the highest didn ,goods is the rare articles ,attraction is not big !relationresultXiao Hua in thesand and not the products formed adventure League game player ,in front of him, already 7 adventure group !While the convertible ,only 0 ,Xiao Hua asked the front mountain .
That is now only two adventure box !relationresultAdventureCorps established process and guild was founded almost, just adventure together as long as it is consumed as integral ,fill out a form registration .
It was formally established, but the company name and the name of adventure repeats ,and unlike the guild that can apply to join ,query and .Adventure tour income ,on the head and deputy head of the manual income .
relationresultSo in theadventure team name ,Xiao Hua slightly bothered ,did not expect to spend a lot of time is very polite and very polite to remind him of his name and a guild to repeat ,Xiao Hua angry ,I almost wanted to direct a name for do not steal Renqi adventure team well, anyway, no rules and system repeated game player name !Fortunately, reason still prevail ,but not how to reason is ,finally, Xiao Hua does not know what is blinding flashes or confused ,wrote the dead cycle of three ,word ,then ,the adventure group was formally established !relationresult!A name to his sister ! Through the crowd ,Xiao Hua went to another fat in the Department of . Related articles:

